What Is Oxygen Therapy And What Is It Used For?

Oxygen therapy is used to treat chronic respiratory failure, but in recent years it has also been successfully utilized in aesthetic treatments.
What is oxygen therapy and what is it used for?

Oxygen therapy is a treatment prescribed by a doctor that involves administering oxygen to a patient in high concentrations. It is used to treat hypoxia, a lack of oxygen in the blood and tissues. It is mainly prescribed for the treatment of chronic respiratory failure, but in recent years it has also been successfully utilized in the world of beauty care.

What is oxygen therapy?

Oxygen therapy treats hypoxia

Oxygen therapy helps increase the amount of oxygen in the tissues. It does this by maximizing the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. It also relieves certain ailments and diseases such as chronic bronchitis or COPD. It is also a good treatment for obesity-induced hypoventilation and severe asthma.

Today, it is even used in beauty treatments, especially for dry, oily, tired and wrinkled skin. It also gets good results in the treatment of dark eyelids and other skin blemishes. On the other hand, oxygen also gives the skin the moisture it needs and stimulates collagen production and helps make the skin look younger. In order to understand its effects, it is first important to know a little more about oxygen therapy.

Various oxygen treatments

Oxygen therapy is a key treatment for respiratory failure, which is the reason why doctors prescribe treatment to a patient. These are the most commonly used oxygen therapies:

Oxygen therapy at normal pressure

Such oxygen therapy is administered in various concentrations, usually between 21 and 100%. One of the most common routes of administration is a nasal cannula or mask.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Such oxygen therapy consists of administering 100% oxygen to the patient while inside the pressure chamber. A helmet or mask is worn during treatment.

The goal of treatment is to increase the amount of oxygen in the tissues through hemoglobin. When a lot of oxygen enters the body, more pressure is put on the alveoli, which causes the saturation of hemoglobin. As a result, the pressure of oxygen in the alveoli increases and the workload of the respiratory system and heart decreases. As a result, the body is able to keep the oxygen pressure constant.

What complications can oxygen therapy cause?

As with any treatment, oxygen therapy can be associated with complications. Typically, these are the result of inappropriate oxygen levels, but can also be the result of too long a duration of treatment.

Some possible symptoms include:

  • Inflammation of the trachea and bronchus.
  • Impaired clearance of cilia.
  • Acute lung injury.
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

In addition, inhalation of a mixture of cold and dry gas can cause dryness and rupture of mucous membranes. The patient may also suffer from decreased mucociliary transport, mucus clearance, and increased mucus thickness.

Oxygen delivery methods

Oxygen therapy can be performed with a simple oxygen mask

Oxygen therapy can be given through a nasal cannula and masks while the patient breathes spontaneously. Examples of masks are:

  • Venturimaski. The venturi mask accurately delivers oxygen to the patient. During treatment, the patient cannot eat or talk. Feeling hot and skin irritation are possible.
  • A simple oxygen mask. This is a soft plastic mask covering the nose and mouth. Its sides have openings through which exhaled air can escape. The mask must be placed correctly on the face with an elastic band to prevent it from leaking.

Another mode of oxygen delivery is a low flow system suitable for those who require minimal oxygen supplementation. A high flow system and overpressure chamber can also be used. However, patients who are unable to breathe on their own should be treated with a mechanical ventilator.


Although oxygen therapy is a doctor-prescribed treatment for hypoxia, it is important to remember that it is not only used to treat health problems. Today, it is even utilized in some beauty treatments.

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