What Does The Signature Say About The Person?

The way a person writes can give us many hints about his different character traits and personalities. And others may find out the same about you.
What does the signature say about the person?

The signature is unique and individual to each person. Signatures are different, just like fingerprints.

Because of this, the signature says a lot about a person’s personality. It provides inside information about his way of thinking, his actions, and even his weaknesses and strengths.

Already from the moment when this was found to have passed, and graphology was created. It is a science that analyzes the signatures and their structures.

It is said that the shape, size and even its details of a signature can tell about the characteristics of a person.

Thanks to these small features, you can make a distinction between certain interesting aspects. And sometimes even the self-signer doesn’t recognize it himself.

Is it readable?

Most signatures are based on a person’s first and last name. However, there can be endless changes to this.

When it comes to readability, we mean how easy it is to distinguish the names in the signature.

  • It is said that a legible signature belongs to a person who is genuine and direct.
  • On the other hand, signatures that are illegible belong to people who are not confident and show resistance to authorities.
  • If you can only figure out the initials, it means it takes time to earn that person’s trust.

Signature angle

the man is signing a contract

While it may sound crazy, the angle of the writing on your signature tells you about your personality.

  • When the signature is directed upwards, it means that the person is ambitious and has a desire to succeed.
  • If the signature is incredibly bent, that person can be very ambitious in their own personal life.
  • If the signature is directed downwards, it can be seen as a symbol of an apathetic and depressed person. What is the signature of a more curved, the better degree.

Pessimism and lack of self-esteem are equally defining factors.

A signature can be a sign of a stable person. Both emotionally and mentally.

Font size

It is said that the larger the letters, the more outward-looking a person is, and vice versa.

In the same way, this can be the attention-seeking performance of a shy person. Usually the letters are 1.3-2.6 cm high.

Contents of the signature

the signature says a lot about the person

The contents will refer to it whether the names in it. Your signature is an indication to the world of your first and last name.

But the larger of the two may be more important.

  • If a person signs his first and last name, but the first name is larger and leaves the last name in his shadow, it is a sign of independence. Man tries to say that he does not have to be represented by anyone other than himself.

Round and direct letters

  • Signatures that use very round letters represent a pleasant person. She is good-natured and has a good sense of style.
  • On the other hand, signatures that are completely angular may be due to the fact that this person is extremely rigid, decent, and disciplined.

The existence of a capital letter

signature in progress
  • A person whose capital letters are three times larger than normal letters can be considered self-centered.
  • If the capital letters are twice as big as the other letters, this person will appreciate himself and have his feet on the ground and a stable self-esteem.
  • When the capital letters do not stand out, it is an indication of humility and appreciation for others.


  • The harder you press as you write, the more authority and strength you have. It is the mark of a temperamental authority person.
  • On the other hand, a soft and smooth signature is a symbol of adaptability and serenity.

Decorations and details

write in a notebook

The details of the signature can show how one wants to present oneself to the world.

Writing without embellishments can be an indication that a person is genuine and open. On the other hand, it may also show certain character traits such as:

  • Twists: A sign that a person has a lot of thoughts in their head. He is looking for authenticity.
  • Underlines: A person is confident and takes responsibility when there is a moment to make a decision. Such a person participates in new challenges despite their challenge.
  • Point at the end: this is a symbol of a very disciplined, strict and organized person.
  • Regressive signature: this is typical of a person looking for security to achieve their goals.

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