Treatment Of Hemorrhoids Naturally With Chamomile

Treatment of hemorrhoids naturally with chamomile

Hemorrhoids  are easily a taboo subject. Few want to talk about such an intimate affliction, but the fact is that hemorrhoids are a very common affliction and it preoccupies many. Hemorrhoids can be a very painful affliction, and the pain may only get worse over time. When treatment for hemorrhoids is started as soon as the discomfort arises, the discomfort ends quickly – in this article we will tell you more about hemorrhoids and get information about their treatment. 

Chamomile is an herbal plant found in many gardens and is famous for its many medicinal properties. One of the health benefits of chamomile is the treatment and removal of hemorrhoids. In this article, you will find 4 chamomile-based treatments to get rid of hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids?

When the veins in the anus and rectum become inflamed, the mucosal tissues containing the superficial blood vessels and arteries of the anus protrude, causing hemorrhoids. Normally, the mucosal tissue pads on the right side wall of the duct, on the left side of the duct, and in the middle are in place and part of the mechanism of intestinal function.


Hemorrhoids can occur for many reasons.

There are a variety of causes for hemorrhoids, and once an ailment is experienced, it is likely to recur later unless the factors that cause the ailment are addressed.

Factors causing hemorrhoids:

  • Constipation:   Constipation can turn into a chronic disorder. When the intestines are pinched in the anal canal, it can cause inflammation.
  • Hereditary factors:  Hereditary factors can predispose to hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy:  Especially in the last weeks and in natural childbirth, abdominal pressure and other ailments can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Aging:  The rectal sphincter loses its strength.
  • Diarrhea: Diarrhea causes irritation.
  • Obesity:  Obesity causes pressure in the pelvic floor, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
  • Staying in the same position for a long time:  Standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause inflammation. This is typical of certain professions: janitors, IT professionals, office workers, taxi drivers, etc.
  • High blood pressure: Increased blood  pressure may cause hemorrhoids.
  • Laxative abuse:  This causes irritation.
  • Spicy, salty or hot food:  May cause inflammation in the intestines as well as in the rectal mucous membranes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In some cases, surgical procedures may be necessary, but in general, symptoms can be relieved by using natural products. Here are four different ways to use chamomile, but first make sure you’re dealing with hemorrhoids:

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

  • Severe pain around the anus.
  • Bright red blood in toilet paper or bowl (there may be other causes of bleeding).
  • Black stools (some medicines such as bismuth or foods like spinach or octopus can also cause black stools).
  • Feeling of stinging or tingling in the rectum.
  • Constant moisture in the anal area.
  • Stains on underwear.
  • Sometimes, though rarely, the symptom can be a bad smell, flatulence, and, in extreme cases, even a partial or complete inability to defecate.

Hemorrhoids are rarely eliminated within a week, but fortunately discomfort and pain can be quickly relieved with chamomile.

Chamomile: A natural treatment for hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with chamomile tea.

Chamomile has several healing properties. Among other things, it calms the nerves, invigorates, helps with digestion, and is a good help for rheumatic diseases and inflammations. Chamomile is very effective in relieving hemorrhoid pain, so here are four ways to use chamomile – choose the one you like and feel better!

1. Chamomile and roses

This cream is very effective, it reduces and can even eliminate hemorrhoids. Put 250 ml of wheat germ oil, 10 grams of ground chamomile and the petals of two roses in a jar. Boil them over low heat for an hour. Pass through a cheese cloth and mix 20 grams of beeswax and 20 grams of lanolin into the mixture. This ointment must be stored in a sterilized container – boiled in hot water – until it cools down.  Once the mixture is solid, it should be applied to the bumps daily until the pain disappears.

2. Chamomile oil

Buy a bottle of chamomile oil and spread it on the buns until the symptoms ease.

3. Chamomile extract

This is a great help for the pain caused by hemorrhoids, as this treatment relieves the pain. So sit down to take a bath with this chamomile extract. You can prepare the extract by adding a handful of chamomile flowers to three liters of boiling water and letting it settle for about 10 minutes. Filter the mixture and stir in warm water. The bath should last 15 minutes; repeat daily until you feel better.

4. Chamomile tea

This treatment helps reduce anal inflammation, stop small bleeds, and help with scarring. Boil a handful of chamomile leaves in a liter of water for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool and use to clean hemorrhoids for as long as necessary.

Hemorrhoids prevention

Although hemorrhoids can sometimes occur without prior warning, there are some measures that can be taken to avoid inflammation of the rectum and anus.

  • Avoid sitting too much. Exercise three times a week for at least half an hour, such as walking or running, to improve blood circulation.
  • Enhance your diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that help avoid constipation.
  • Do not eat very spicy or fatty foods.
  • Do not use alcohol.
  • Lose weight if you have extra pounds.
  • Drink plenty of water: it does good for the bloodstream.

Treating hemorrhoids using the natural traps mentioned above is easy – give it a try and get rid of hemorrhoids naturally!

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