Relieve Joint Pain With These Tips

Gelatin contains collagen and vitamin C, which repair cartilage and relieve muscle pain.
Relieve joint pain with these tips

Do the joints feel stiff and painful? Is there reduced mobility in the joints? You can get the best advice from your doctor for the treatment of joint problems, but diet also has an important effect on joint health. Relieve joint pain with our tips. In this article, we will tell you about the foods you should consume to treat joint pain.

The importance of nutrition for the joints

If you suffer from constant joint pain and problems, you know how disgusting the ailment is. Sometimes joint symptoms are treated with NSAIDs, but they are not always helpful.

Joint pain is caused by joint diseases such as rheumatism, or joint wear and tear alone. Rheumatism and osteoarthritis are incurable joint diseases whose treatment focuses on controlling symptoms such as swelling and the resulting pain.

Joint diseases can be prevented and treated with certain foods, and some ingredients even work to relieve pain. Relieve joint pain by eating right and investing in joint-strengthening minerals. At the same time, you take care of your bones, cartilage and tendons. The heavy metals in some foods affect the joints directly, so it’s important to add foods to your diet that cleanse your body of toxins and other waste products.

Even if you don’t have joint problems yet, you should keep these tips in mind for the future. Eating certain ingredients can help prevent joint pain and pain in old age.

Relieve joint pain with diet

1. Avoid processed foods and the harmful chemicals they contain

Relieve joint pain

Stop for a moment to think about how much processed food you eat per week or per month. Processed food includes, for example, fast foods, ready meals, sugary juices and carbonated beverages such as soda. Tropical-colored lemonades get their color and taste from chemicals and dyes, and they have no harm to the body. Choose your food with the idea that the more natural the food, the better it is for you. Eat organic products and fresh vegetables and protein. Prepare the food yourself and do not buy ready-made sauces or frozen meals.

Be sure to avoid white flour, sugar, and excess salt, as these will harm your joints.

2. Avoid acidic products

Relieve joint pain

Many of us drink milk every day and especially for children milk is pushed as a food drink. However, according to current knowledge, milk does not have a bone-strengthening effect, as previously thought. Milk is an animal product that has an acidifying effect on the body that changes the body’s normal pH level. This can lead to joint pain. Calcium is best obtained from plant products, not milk.

Another acidifying drink for the body is coffee. So don’t drink a cup of coffee a day but stay in one or two cups.

3. Avoid animal protein

Relieve joint pain

Animal protein raises the acidity of the body in the same way as milk. The body needs protein to function normally, but fortunately protein is also obtained from plant products such as legumes and dried fruits. So you don’t always have to eat cattle, pigs or chicken to meet your protein needs. If you don’t want to give up animal protein, prefer chicken or turkey and avoid red meat. Chicken and turkey are a much healthier option.

4. Foods that enhance collagen production

Relieve joint pain

Collagen strengthens and regenerates cartilage. Strong cartilage prevents joint pain. An easy way to add collagen to your diet is to consume gelatin, or gelatin, which contains vitamin C in addition to collagen. Gelatin can be used e.g. for the preparation of jellies.

Sulfur-containing foods support cartilage, so add a lot of onions, leeks, garlic, asparagus and kale to your diet.

5. The right amount of calcium and magnesium

Relieve joint pain

Both calcium and magnesium are two very important elements for bones and joints. So eat lots of lentils and chickpeas, as you get plenty of both. You can also get magnesium from pumpkin seeds, flax, chia seeds, spinach, watercress and parsley. Eat lots of fresh salads or prepare even a healthy green smoothie with spinach.

Butt also dried fruit and seaweed.

6. Omega-3 and joint health

Relieve joint pain

Omega-3 is perhaps the most studied fatty acid and has been scientifically proven to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Enjoy food containing Omega-3 at least three times a week. This fatty acid is best obtained from fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 is also available in an easily ingestible form as capsules. In addition to joints, Omega-3 protects the skin, hair and heart.

7. Keep these things in mind as well

The most important thing is to eat varied, high quality and fresh food. Invest especially in domestic vegetables and fruits when they are in season. Prefer organic food and locally produced foods, because the closer the food arrives, the less it contains surface treatments. Do not devour your food but schedule your meal at several different times throughout the day and keep portion sizes small. Always keep fresh vegetables and fruits in the fridge and fruit bowl that can be snapped when the most nibble is hit.

Be sure to drink plenty of water as the water will flush out the heavy metals and slag that have accumulated in your body. It is important to cleanse the body of toxins, because in the long run these cause health problems e.g. liver and kidneys. Joint pain is not always easy to treat because man is created to move and each joint has its own important role in body movement. Relieve joint pain by staying positive and seek medical attention if necessary.

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