“Now We Look The Same – Father Tattoos His Son’s Cancer Surgery Horn

The Gabriel boy had a large scar left in his head left by his cancer surgery, and it took all the joy out of his life and made the boy reluctant to leave home. Dad decided to cheer Gabriel up with a great gift.
“Now we look the same,” Dad tattooed his son’s cancer surgery horn

Gabriel Marshall is an eight-year-old boy who now knows two things very clearly: he has the best father in the world and a long life ahead of him.

He is a brave boy and much loved by his loved ones, but Gabriel suffered from brain cancer and as a result got a deep scar on his head. This remarkable scar greatly reduced his joy of life and self-confidence.

Gabriel has become a celebrity of some sort around the world as his father did something very beautiful and encouraging. Some time ago, when Father’s Day was celebrated in several countries, Gabriel’s father, Josh Marshall, wanted to do something very special for his son.

Why did Gabriel’s father tattoo his own head?

So Gabriel has a very visible scar on his head from cancer surgery, and he was ashamed of it. The scar reminds the boy of an illness that is now almost completely gone.

As this scar took away Gabriel’s smile, his father tattooed the pattern in exactly the same place on his own head – it’s the same color and is meant to look the same as his son’s scar. The father did this for a very specific reason: he wanted to give his son strength.

In what follows, we tell more about the moving story of Gabriel and his father, as well as how that father tattooed the pattern on himself helped the boy suffering from cancer get his smile back.

A great example of a father who loves his son

All parents presumably love their children more than anything else. So there may be nothing more frightening to a parent than letting him or her know that his or her child has a very serious illness, such as cancer.

According to statistics, the survival rate of children with cancer between the ages of 4 and 18 is 80%.

This is, of course, good news in itself, but nonetheless, all the struggle, fear, and pain that comes from seeing a small child exhausted by harsh treatments and procedures is undoubtedly a very difficult thing for parents to endure.

the father tattooed his son's scar on himself

Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed last year, and it was serious: he had a rare form of brain cancer known as anaplastic astrocytoma.

It is a malignant tumor of the central nervous system and usually occurs in adult men.

Although the prognosis is not good, children’s survival is higher than that of adults, and Gabriel’s family got hope for this. They never lost that hope for even one day.

Cancer in an 8-year-old child

When a child is diagnosed with such a serious illness, he or she may not yet be aware of what it means in his or her life.

A child’s life will change dramatically, and everyday things like school, friends, games, and homework will be interrupted by hospital visits, treatments, needles, and fear.

One of the most difficult things a child must learn to accept in the context of such an illness is that his or her  appearance changes as a result of the treatment.

Chemotherapy treatments not only make patients ’hair loose, but their faces swell, they lose weight, their appearance changes, and exhaustion is constant in every person with cancer.

  • Gabriel survived a difficult operation during which doctors specializing in cancer removed much of his tumor. It was a complex operation which, however, did not make it possible to remove all the damage already caused by the disease.
child lying in hospital
  • However, the diagnosis given to the boy is good. The disease is now stable and inactive. This is a positive thing that Gabriel’s family is holding fast to.
  • However, the treatment resulted in a problem that did not go away as Gabriel lost his self-confidence. Each time he looked in the mirror, he only saw his scar left as a sign of cancer surgery.
  • It’s a huge and swollen scar that curves around and above the boy’s ear – in fact, one might think that the scar is like an arrow pointing to an illness.
  • Gabriel had lost his dream, and he refused to leave home, return to school, or play in the park. He only saw his own scar.

Josh Marshall is Gabriel’s father, and he is a 28-year-old optimist and brave man who has not left his child at any point. No matter how unfair life may be, he knows that the most important thing is to stick to your attitude and hope.

  • Therefore, it was clear that once the doctors had done their job and removed the tumor from the child’s brain, it was time to “heal the emotions” and restore the boy’s confidence, energy, and optimism.
Gabriel's father tattooed the same scar on himself
  • Father’s Day was the moment Josh gave his son an incredible surprise: he had shaved his head and taken a tattoo that looked exactly like the scar caused by Gabriel’s cancer surgery. Now the father and son “looked the same”.
  • Since then, the young boy has gone out again with renewed vigor.
  • He is no longer ashamed, for his father is by his side, showing the world those scars, and together these two are stronger people who can face whatever comes before him.

With this article, we want to wish little Gabriel all the best of luck in the world – he has now been in a stable state for nine months. This story of a father who tattoos his son’s scar on himself as well. is a wonderful example of a father who wanted to help his son in this difficult situation.

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