Nipple Abrasion: Prevention And Causes

In addition to pain and bleeding, nipple abrasion can lead to infection. Its prevention and treatment is therefore very important. Keep reading and we’ll tell you how you can do it!
Nipple abrasion: prevention and causes

Abrasion of the nipples is a common ailment in runners when clothing is constantly rubbing during physical activity.

It is more common in men, but it also affects some women and children. This can be quite a stressful problem, especially given that the nipple area is very sensitive. It can even worsen and cause infection.

What does nail rubbing really mean?

Abrasion of nipples refers to their rubbing against clothing, most often during a run. It usually occurs in both nipples and causes small cracks.

It is common among regular runners as well as marathon runners. Nipples protrude slightly in men. For women, it is even clearer. Thus, when running, there is easy abrasion on either the t-shirt or sports vest on.

The material of the clothes is one of the most significant triggers. Nylon, for example, is combined with nail abrasion. Other factors, such as climate, also have an important impact on the onset of the disorder. This is because the nipples tend to harden in cold weather and it leads to abrasion.

Nipple abrasion is much more common in women during menstruation, when breasts swell and are more sensitive.

An article published by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia states that almost 35% of people who run more than 60 km a week experience nipple abrasion. However, for those running less than 30 km per week, the incidence is less than 5%.

Abrasion of the nipples while running.
Long-distance runners are more prone to nipple abrasion due to friction caused by clothing.


As stated in  an article in Revista Médica de Chileabrasion of the nipples is a painful affliction. As we mentioned earlier, it usually occurs in both nipples and can even lead to bleeding.

This same study also shows that athletes are generally more prone to certain infections. This is because moisture, sweat, and other factors facilitate the growth of bacteria in these abrasion-induced wounds.

Abrasion is similar to a rash. First, there is redness and discomfort in the affected area. Then the condition of the skin worsens if running is continued. This can lead to new ulcers.

The main symptoms of nipple abrasion are therefore pain, redness and bleeding. Nipples and breasts are more sensitive than other body parts. In some cases, it can lead to thickening of the skin as a result of constant rubbing or scratching.

Prevention of nipple abrasion

Rubbing of the nipples can be prevented by simple methods, which we will tell you more about. Their main purpose is to protect the nipples while playing sports.

Choose the right kind of fabric quality

The fabric quality of sportswear matters, especially for runners. Some materials increase friction or prevent sweating.

Nylon shirts, for example, are more likely to cause nipple abrasion. Ideally, the shirt should be soft and seamless with no embellishments rubbing against the chest. The fabric should also be breathable and cooling.

Choose the right kind of sports vest

Women often tend to wear sports vests when engaging in physical activities. So it is important to choose the right kind of fabric quality.

Choose well-fitting sports vests that provide enough support to keep your breasts from moving too much with each step. The fabric should be breathable and should not rub.

Sports vests should also not have seams in the chest area. The size should be appropriate and the straps of the vest should be wide. This prevents them from being too tight.

Avoid long distances

Nipple abrasion is more common in athletes who run long distances. It is therefore unusual for it to occur in runs of less than 10 km, unless the abrasion is due to poor fabric selection.

Experts recommend making short jogging trips until the abrasion improves. However, if you cannot change the length of the run, protect the area carefully.

Use lubricants or Vaseline

Certain products can prevent abrasion, thus preventing damage to the nipples. Applying Vaseline to the area works for most people. It is a substance that helps to moisturize and protect the skin.

Talc can also reduce the incidence of this problem, as it helps dry the area, which in turn reduces irritation. Many people also use it to prevent abrasion in other areas, such as the inner thighs.

Abrasion of the nipples while running: how can you prevent it?

In addition to the substances mentioned above, there are other ways to protect your nipples while playing sports. For example, you can buy a nipple cover. It is a ribbon that adapts to human anatomical shapes.

You can also make it yourself at home, but make sure it doesn’t come off due to sweating or chest hair. 

Mountain running usually consists of long distances that promote abrasion of the nipples.

Treat nipple abrasion in a timely manner

Talk to your doctor if you suffer from abrasion of the nipples, as it can easily get worse and turn into an infection. You may need a course of antibiotics, but it should be prescribed by a professional.

It is also important to clean that area thoroughly. Dry the nipples completely after washing and apply a moisturizer or Vaseline. Always wear clean clothing to reduce the risk of infection.

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