How To Live With A Person With An Unstable Personality Disorder

Living with a person with an unstable personality disorder is not easy. You need to be aware of how you treat him and learn to set boundaries.
How to live with a person with an unstable personality disorder

Unstable personality disorder complicates the lives of many couples. However, maintaining a relationship is not impossible for them. You just have to keep certain things in mind to keep the relationship healthy and going as well as possible.

It is important to be very aware that helping a partner with an unstable personality disorder does not mean trying to change him or her. The professional should treat the disease in question. Through this, you can hope for improvement.

It is also important to know that this is a lifelong illness. There will be stages of exacerbation, but also moments when you will hardly notice the whole illness. However, it will always be present.

Typical patterns of behavior in a relationship where one has an unstable personality disorder

If your partner has an unstable personality disorder, you can learn to live with this illness.


We start with the most typical patterns of behavior in a relationship where the other party has an unstable personality disorder.

Many hurt a sick person. Unfortunately, this exacerbates the disease and contributes to the persistence of symptoms.

Remember, this is a person who is very mentally unstable and whose thought process is very polarized. Therefore, you need to be especially careful in how you treat him.

There are many ways couples try to deal with the problem:

  • Some people reject a person with an unstable personality disorder when they are dissatisfied. Or they threaten to leave him and come back together again as the behavior changes. This increases mental instability in a person with an unstable personality disorder.
  • Some ignore behavior they don’t find acceptable. This is how they contribute to the disease. It increases the pathological behaviors of a sick person.
  • Some seek balance by letting the disease guide them. They will feel guilty if the situation does not improve. They may think it’s their fault.
  • Some prefer to be quiet and not talk about the problem with their partner. This includes hiding daily activities from family and friends. In this way, they prevent a person with an unstable personality disorder from knowing what is going on.
  • During problems and crises, some remember that their partner loves them deeply. They know the difficulty lies in the fact that the partner is not responsible for their actions.

Unfortunately, most of these approaches are wrong. In some examples, a healthy party contributes to the problem. In some, the behavior of the sick person is considered legitimate and nothing is said about it. In this way, the behavior of the sufferer never changes.

Act like a mirror, not like a sponge

Unstable personality disorder is a disease that can crush a person.


This disease is easily crushed. This is especially true if you behave in the ways mentioned above.

We want to protect our partners. However, the behaviors described above are not the best way to do so. Living with a person who suffers from an unstable personality disorder is very difficult. You need to be aware of how you behave towards him.

Your job is to help your partner defeat the symptoms so that they do not continue. To do this, you need to be faithful to your own values ​​and beliefs. If you think your partner’s behavior is wrong, you need to tell him or her.

It is wrong to try to justify a partner’s behavior. As a couple, it’s important for you to set a limit that you don’t cross, came what came.

Tell him clearly that you will not be able to support a certain type of behavior, and stay true to this. If you are weak, everything will go wrong.

Intimidation does not help

It is good to discuss unstable personality disorder.


It is necessary to talk about the problem. This way, the sick party knows your position, and together you can come up with a solution.

However, sometimes your partner may annoy you, making it easy to resort to threats. This should never happen, as this will increase his mental instability.

Learn to say “no”. Learn to talk about what you feel, and most importantly, never feel responsible for the behavior of a partner with an unstable personality disorder.

If you stop treating your partner as a fragile person who needs protection, it all starts to work out.

Stay on your own. Beware of negative behaviors such as lying, misleading, or distrusting the patient. Remember that his thought process is polarized. He does not always control his emotions.

Act according to your own principles. Set boundaries, and don’t let this extraneous disease catch you. This ensures that the balance is maintained in proportion.

It is going to be hard. It is a path full of rocks and potholes. But if you want to be with your partner, it will be worth it.

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