How Does A Child Feel About Starting A Potty Training

Parents often wonder when is the right time to start weaning their babies from diapers. Age does not determine this; it all depends on whether the child is mature enough to start potty training.
How the child reacts to starting potty training

Potty training is a process that marks a big milestone in a child’s independence. A child’s attitude to weaning from diapers depends on whether you do it at the right time.

Even if you don’t believe this, children typically learn to control their bladder and bowel faster than expected. Some children may take a little longer, while others learn it in weeks, even days.

As we always say, it is important to remember that every child is different. Every child reaches this milestone when he is mature enough for it.

How to know when a child is ready to start potty training

There are children who begin to hide when they feel toilet trouble. Others hold urine for more than three hours. These are signs that the child is ready to wean off the diapers.

Some kids, on the other hand, just want to lower their diapers. In this case, the child is not ready to get rid of the diapers. The child cannot be forced into it. It is wisest to wait for the right moment to start potty training.

You will see if the baby is ready or not in two or three months. The first step is to prepare the child for it. Tell him what’s going to happen at some point and show him illustrated stories to explain what he’s going to do and what you expect from him.

What is the best age to start potty training?

Potty training gradually wipes the child away from diapers

Weaning a child from diapers at the age of one and a half is very likely to be more difficult than if the child is older. However, there is no harm in trying, as some one-and-a-half-year-olds don’t like to use diapers because they distract and rub.

This is theoretically the perfect moment to start potty training. You can try to leave the diaper off and see what happens. The key to success is to be patient and encourage the child.

The ideal age to start potty training is between the ages of 2 and 3, when children know how to name their droppings and tell parents if they have a urinary incontinence.

What if a child has a bad attitude towards potty training?

Many parents wonder why their children don’t want to start potty training. Children are unaware that they are wearing a diaper. Potty training is a big challenge.

Modern disposable diapers are very absorbent. Thus, the child hardly feels any discomfort when peeing or poaching the diaper. When a child wants to be weaned from diapers, he is often frightened because he does not yet understand the matter.

Some children are afraid to sit in the bowl, so it is important to get a toilet seat reducer so that the child agrees to sit in it and does not feel uncomfortable (if you teach your child to walk in the bowl). It’s also a good idea to get a step stool so your child’s feet don’t hang in the air.

How to wean a child from diapers and start potty training

The boy has learned to go to the pot

Children ready for potty training should be able to follow the instructions, so start slowly. Ask the child to lower and raise their panties or diaper. Then ask him to do more difficult things like take the diaper off and sit on the pot immediately.

One way to get a child interested in the process is to let him or her participate in the selection of different aids. All you have to do is look and try different things until you find the most pleasant option for your child.

Once you have chosen the right tools, let your child choose their favorite colors and patterns. The child loves being able to make the decision himself.

Be prepared for damage

It is perfectly normal for a child to accidentally make a diaper a few times during a potty training. For example, a child may not pick up on the pot in time or he will pee or poop underneath.

Your attitude in the event of an injury means a lot. Remember that a child will not learn to control his bladder and gut overnight.

So avoid reprimanding the child, as damage will happen. Stay positive. Your reaction in the event of an injury is very important as the child expects you to support him.

Some parents choose to wean their children from their diapers both day and night. Leaving the diaper overnight may be best so you don’t have to change sheets all the time and make sure the transition is easier for your child. However, if you decide to take the diaper off for the night, we recommend disposable mattress covers for the bed, which you can then take off in the event of damage.

Are there differences between girls and boys?

Potty training is often easier for girls than for boys

Yes. Until the age of three, girls and boys develop in much the same way. But from the age of 4, the differences become apparent.

First, children’s testosterone levels double when they turn 3 years old. Second, social influences steer children in different directions.

These differences can also affect potty training. Girls develop faster than boys during the first years of life, meaning they reach developmental milestones earlier. From a psychological point of view, on the other hand, boys are more eager to face new challenges and have a better attitude to stop using diapers.

How are girls ‘and boys’ potty training different?

It is no wonder that potty training starts to naturalize faster in girls than in boys. Girls ’language skills often develop faster, which is why they are able to tell adults about their toilet trouble.

Boys ’potty training, in turn, is facilitated by the fact that they don’t need so much hygiene care. For girls, going to public toilets is more complicated. For this reason, many parents decide to wean their daughters from their diapers later.

Girls learn the potty training routine faster. Their cognitive development helps them learn more easily the steps associated with pot use. This is more difficult for boys than for girls.


During potty training, the most important thing is patience. Potty training is a big step, so it’s important to show your child love and understanding. Remember, she is just a child and learning something new. And you, as a parent, are also learning to raise your child better.

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