Homemade Makeup Removers From Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is a natural ingredient that has numerous benefits for skin health. Among other things, it is the perfect solution for facial skin care.
Homemade makeup removers from aloe vera

Did you know that aloe Vera is one of the best natural makeup removers? In this article we will tell you how you can make homemade makeup removers from aloe vera!

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that provides many nutrients. Each part of this plant is used for different purposes, and aloe vera helps both internally and externally.

It contains more than 200 active compounds, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, vital fatty acids and amino acids.

The thick leaves of the plant contain a gelatinous substance consisting of 99% water.

Aloe vera has many benefits

  • Aloe is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 and B6, as well as folic acid and choline.  It is also one of the few plants that contain vitamin B12.
  • Aloe has 20 minerals, including calcium, iron and magnesium.
  • In addition, it contains 18-20 amino acids, and these are the building blocks for body proteins.
  • It helps to lose weight as it naturally improves the person
  • It has alkalizing properties, and therefore aloe helps to balance the acidity of the body.
  • When applied to the skin, it is able to reduce pain, irritation and burning sensation.
  • It is a good choice for improving resistance as it improves the function of white blood cells and these help in the fight against various diseases.
  • In addition, it benefits the cardiovascular system. It provides oxygen to the bloodstream and also helps lower cholesterol.
  • Aloe’s cleansing effects promote intestinal function, so it helps to remove body waste more effectively.
  • It contains amino acids and vital fatty acids that lower the amount of all lipids in the bloodstream.

Aloe vera has a great many properties that can be utilized in an excellent way to improve health.

This time, however, we want to focus on its potential in makeup remover – so here are instructions on how to replace commercial makeup removers by making homemade makeup removers from aloe vera.

The benefits of aloe vera for the skin

Aloe Vera promotes skin regeneration.

Most of the beneficial properties of aloe vera are found in the gelatinous fruit flesh of the plant, which is obtained from the leaves:

  • The gel has regenerative, antiseptic and therapeutic effects. It provides both a nourishing and a caring solution.
  • Aloe is a very good help for irritated, sun-burned and rash-prone skin, and it removes dead skin cells and helps skin layers to recover.
  • It is effective for all types of injuries both internally and externally. It can also reduce acne scars.
  • Aloe Vera acts as a youthful product that increases fibroblasts that are located on the skin and form collagen.
  • It is both a sedative and an anti-inflammatory product.
  • Because aloe vera gel goes deep into the epidermis and dermis of the skin, it is an ideal treatment product for all skin types, and especially for those suffering from dryness and irritation.
  • Aloe cleanses skin pores as well as removes fats, making it a great choice for those who easily develop acne.
  • It fights skin sagging, pimples and wrinkles.
  • Aloe absorbs all toxic substances that may come from products such as PVC, paints and varnishes.

Benefits of face masks made from aloe

As you can already guess, the area also brings great benefits when used in the form of a mask, for the following reasons, among others:

  • It helps to remove dead skin cells.
  • It acts as a natural firming treatment.
  • It is an excellent choice for those with dry skin.
  • These masks give the face softness and moisturize the skin in a natural way.
  • They promote the healthy appearance and natural glow of the skin.

Homemade makeup removers from aloe vera

Homemade makeup removers are easily made from aloe vera.

After wearing face makeup all day, it is necessary to pamper the skin in the evening after coming home. Properly cleansing the skin refreshes it, and this requires a good makeup remover.

  • You can make homemade makeup removers from aloe vera, and thus effectively promote the health and beauty of your skin.
  • You can also make aloe vera wet wipes for makeup removal.

1. Natural makeup remover from aloe vera and olive oil

Olive oil is an ideal product for removing makeup in the eye area (it is also suitable for mascara).

In addition to this, it acts as an excellent moisturizing product. Olive oil has regenerative abilities that increase collagen production and combat the progression of wrinkles and small furrows.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  • 1 cotton swab
  • A small bowl

This is how this treatment is done

  • Combine the two ingredients in a small bowl.
  • Then dip into the mixture, and brush the skin carefully in the area of ​​your eyes.
  • Carefully remove makeup without rubbing.
  • In more sensitive areas, such as lashes, use a little more cotton wool to make it easier to remove makeup.

2. Makeup remover from aloe, oil and honey

You can make a make-up remover from oil, honey and aloe.

Necessary ingredients

  • 50 ml of aloe vera
  • 50 ml of honey
  • 1 tablespoon oil (to taste – extra virgin olive oil, jojoba, almond, avocado, apricot, argan or coconut)


  • Airtight container for storing the mixture.

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Combine aloe, oil and honey, and mix them into a smooth mixture.
  • Store this makeup remover at room temperature to keep it for several months.
  • Use it like this: take about a tablespoon and put on facial skin, and leave on for a minute.
  • Finally, then wipe your face clean with a damp washcloth.

3. Wet wipes containing aloe vera

These wet wipes only contain aloe and oil.

Necessary ingredients

  • 100 ml of good quality oil (extra virgin olive oil, almond, avocado, apricot, argan, coconut or jojoba)
  • 300 ml of aloe vera


  • Jar or bottle with an airtight cap.
  • 1 packet of cotton pads.

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Put the oil and aloe vera in a container.
  • You can choose either a glass or plastic container.
  • Shake the container well for a few seconds.
  • Store the mixture in the refrigerator when not in use.

This is how this treatment is done

  • Put the mixture on a cotton ball and then use to remove all makeup from the face.
  • If you need more, repeat this treatment until all the makeup is gone.
  • Remember to shake the mixture well before each use.

4. Natural face wash with aloe vera and almond oil

Aloe gel can be bought as is or scraped from a magazine.

You can either recover the gel directly from the plant, in which case the gel should be used on the same day, or  you can buy it from a store, making the product last longer.

Necessary ingredients

  • 5 tablespoons aloe
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon of natural, neutral liquid soap

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Moisturize your face with warm water and do small rotating massage movements to get your pores open.
  • Dry your skin well and gently.
  • Apply this aloe cleanser to the face and neck with a cotton swab.
  • Then finally remove with warm water.

5. Homemade exfoliating aloe vera and baking soda

Necessary ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Put the aloe and baking soda in a bowl, and stir until you get a paste.
  • Put it on your face and neck for a gentle and rotating massage.
  • Repeat the treatment once or twice a week depending on whether your skin is dry or oily.

Sound interesting? So you can also use aloe vera for makeup removal – try these recipes and you will be able to enjoy its many great properties to beautify your skin.

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