Foods To Prevent Memory Loss

Although memory impairment is associated with aging, it can be slowed by good diet and exercise, as well as by getting rid of harmful habits.
Foods to prevent memory loss

Everyone is worried about memory loss. It is actually the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but also a normal part of aging. Effectively prevent memory loss by adding the following foods to your diets!

As you age, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. Some people find that it takes them longer to learn new things, or they don’t remember things as well as before.

Common causes of memory impairment

Some memory disorders are related to treatable health problems:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Alcoholism
  • Tumors
  • Infections
  • Blood clots in the brain
  • Possible dementia
  • Head injuries
  • Cancer treatments (chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
  • Stress
  • Anxiety or depression

These problems can make a person forget things, and this may be misdiagnosed as a mental illness. One factor affecting memory is sudden life changes.

memory impairment occurs in all

Here are some of the most common symptoms of memory loss:

  • Constant loss of goods.
  • Difficulty finding the right words.
  • Asking the same questions during a conversation or telling the same story multiple times.
  • A person doesn’t remember if he did something or not, for example, if he was already taking medicine.
  • Confusion or getting lost in familiar places.
  • Forgetting a year, day or week.
  • Difficulty remembering appointments or events.
  • Difficulty following instructions or making decisions.

Impairment of short or long term memory

Impairment of short-term memory involves forgetting information and recalling it after a moment of forgetting.

  • Not being able to remember the name, but remembering it after an hour, or waking up not remembering the events of the previous night after drinking too much alcohol, are examples of short-term memory loss.

Instead, permanent memory loss means forgetting some information and no longer remembering it again.

  • For example, a person doesn’t remember where he left his keys or he forgets his mother visited him a few days ago, even if someone repeated it to him several times.

How to prevent memory impairment

use memory aids to prevent memory impairment

Here are some of the most effective ways to prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease or other memory problems:

  • Adequate sleep
  • Good diet
  • Exercise
  • Active social life
  • Cognitive activities

The brain works like muscles, meaning the more you use them, the better fit they are. If the brain is not given enough care or oxygen supply, the brain can become atrophied. For this reason, an active life and a healthy lifestyle can greatly benefit memory.

Other factors such as good sleep quality and reading also help keep the brain healthy. Try to get rid of bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, or using drugs, as this too is good for memory and health in general.

When to seek help

Many people do not find themselves suffering from memory problems; at the very beginning, the problem is noticed by family members. Anxious and depressed people tend to focus more on their mistakes, which makes them forgetful. This is how they think they suffer from memory problems, although this may not be the case.

If a person is having difficulty coping with daily activities or is confused and confused, it is time to go to the doctor. The doctor makes a diagnosis and determines if the patient has memory problems or not, and if so, what types. If in doubt, it is always best to see a doctor.

Foods that improve memory



Nut fat has anti-inflammatory properties and protective nutrients that help keep the brain in good condition, thus preventing memory loss.


  • Almonds
  • Dried apricots
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Walnuts


  • Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  • We recommend eating a handful of nuts every day.


Carrots are high in carotene, an important nutrient for the brain. Eating carrots helps prevent memory loss and keeps the brain healthy.


  • To improve memory, eat at least one carrot a day, raw or cooked.


Apples are high in iron and vitamins. The shell, in turn, contains quercetin, which helps prevent memory problems associated with aging.


  • Eating one apple a day helps strengthen memory. Be sure to add an apple to the dishes you make so you can take advantage of all its properties.


eat basil

Due to its soothing properties, basil is an excellent natural remedy for stress. Its leaves are powerful adaptogens, substances that help keep physical and mental performance at an optimal level.

In this case, the properties of basil are utilized in tea.


  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • Half a cup of water


  • Boil water, add basil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and leave for another 5 minutes.
  • Drink half a cup after each meal.

Memory is one of the most important functions of the brain, so take care of it and get rid of harmful habits.


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