Follow These Tips To Lose Weight

Using these tricks can be a great way to successfully regulate your meals and how much you eat. So we want to share with you some ways to help you lose weight effectively and healthily.
Follow these tips if you want to lose weight

Using these tricks can be a great way to successfully regulate your meals and how much you eat. So we want to share with you some ways to help if you want to lose weight effectively and healthily.

1. Use smaller plates and larger glasses

When you use large plates, you subconsciously give yourself more food.

It is easy to trick the brain with such an optical illusion. By taking advantage of this, you can lightly reduce the amount of food you eat without feeling deprived of anything.

So size really matters when it comes to the plate. But once you’ve found the right size plate, ask yourself the following question: what am I going to put on this plate?

We often think about how much meat, chicken or fish we are going to serve. Basically, we only focus on protein.

Eat more vegetables if you want to lose weight

Here, too, a trick helps. If you start by adding vegetables to your plate first, your meal will automatically become healthier.

The brain is indeed easy to fool. If you eat something that tastes sweet but doesn’t contain sugar, your brain will no longer crave sweet,  which will help you avoid dropping your sugar.

2. Count the time you spend chewing food

Another mental means is a kind of game that helps you taste the food and pay more attention to what you eat. Calculate the amount of time or chewing you spend grinding the food and try to increase that amount with each mouthful.

This way, you avoid eating more than you need and you will feel fuller and fuller without feeling swollen. This will also help you lose weight and make healthier choices about your meals.

Also eat slower to appreciate what’s on your plate. It’s important to really respect your food and one way to do that is to season the food more carefully.

3. Measure servings before serving

If you eat directly from the pack, you may sometimes lose control of your portion size and you will probably end up eating more than necessary. Thus, it is always best to measure portion amounts first, and never eat directly from the package.

mushroom gratin

Remember the tip for using smaller plates?

You can do the same when serving. Use a smaller scoop when serving food. You subconsciously offer yourself a lower dose.

4. Divide large containers into smaller ones

In general, when people eat more than necessary, they obviously get an unnecessary amount of calories. Smaller doses can make us feel just as full and full as large doses.

The fourth way is to store food in small containers such as plastic bags or Tupperware containers. It will help you feel like you have eaten the whole package and you will satisfy your brain.


For example, divide the nut mix into smaller bags. When you have a craving for something salty or want to eat between meals, just grab a small bag.

However, remember: do not eat directly from the package! Serve it on a small plate or bowl.

5. Spiritual means: display the healthiest foods

The brain always chooses the foods closest to you. If you make sure that healthy foods are always fully visible and easily accessible, you will make better decisions all the time.

So put your fruits and vegetables clearly so you can get them easily, and hide foods that won’t help you or put them further out of reach.

If you want to stop fighting with yourself, put your willpower to the test once in the supermarket. Try not to buy processed foods or ready meals. With all of these tips, your diet will become healthier without giving in to the cravings that prevent you from losing weight.

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