Empty Nest Syndrome – When The Home Is Silent

While when children leave home, a father or mother may get the so-called empty nest syndrome, it is worth remembering that leaving is in the children’s own best interest. It is a natural part of the life cycle.
Empty nest syndrome - when the home is silent

Have you ever felt lonely? If you are a parent, you may have experienced it as children grow into adults and leave their home nest.  That’s when the fear and loneliness that comes up can make an empty nest syndrome happen  .

All the emotions a person experiences are affected by what is happening around him. This is not only true in work or family situations, as those around them play a very essential role in everyone’s life.

In fact, it could be said that other people play a key role in your life in this sense,  as they play the biggest role in your emotions.

As for fathers and mothers, the children will eventually leave the home nest. Parents do know this, but it is still difficult to face the loneliness that prevails in the home. The home has changed and is full of memories from times gone by.

Empty nest syndrome and loss

girl lying on the bed

Empty nest syndrome can be summed up in a single word: loss. The children have decided to go their own ways: to live alone or to study somewhere else, or maybe they have just simply set out to create their own lives and build their own families.

It is possible that mothers experience loneliness at home the most. Namely, they have carried their children within them, and many times feel much more deeply connected to them.

In this way, children play a very important role for mothers, as they feel very responsible for everything that may happen to children.

Suddenly, then, it happens that the children’s bedrooms are empty. So the mother no longer cares about when the children come home, nor does she have the opportunity to talk to them as often as before.

Everything has changed, and for the parent, this is a sad thing. It often happens that a parent develops patterns of behavior that the child does not like, such as everyday playing.

young man carrying a suitcase

This is normal – a mother wants the same kind of contact with her child and daily communication. But everything has changed.

The situation is much more difficult for single parents, because if you are part of a couple, empty nest syndrome is much easier to endure. If you are alone, the feeling that you are lonely will be accentuated.

Nevertheless, this is a situation that is worth respecting. It’s worth learning to face in the best possible way. Grief and longing are normal things. While this is difficult, it is time to accept the fact that the chicks have left the nest.

The situation of modern youth

Empty nest syndrome is becoming more pronounced nowadays, as the lives of young people are determined by different circumstances: children who have already reached maturity may not be able to leave their homes.

Unemployment, a difficult work situation, lack of motivation, or the comfort of living at home lead  parents to believe that children will be with them  for the rest of their lives.

And if a job is found, it is not uncommon for it to be located far from home – the job may even be in another country. This makes the parent’s feelings even greater, as he or she is not prepared to face that situation.

the girl sits on a deserted track

As children set out to create their own lives and begin to form their own families apart from their parents, the feeling of discomfort may become more pronounced as parents see how difficult it is to care for and connect with their grandchildren.

Overcoming the difficulties caused by an empty home

It is certain that the relationship between parents and children will determine how severe an empty nest syndrome a parent has. As we said earlier, single parents will find the situation more difficult. Nevertheless, there are certain things to keep in mind that will greatly ease the situation.

  • Accepting a situation:  sometimes you may be left to fight against a circumstance that you are unable to resolve with your abilities. So it’s time to accept that your kids have moved on and started living their own lives.
  • Focus on your own partner:  If you are in a relationship, you may sometimes leave too little attention to your partner because you have focused all your attention on your children. So now is the time to do more things together and get back the life of a married couple that you once had.
  • Don’t stay home:  Whether you’re single or in a relationship, now is the time to embrace certain healthy social habits. So meet your friends, go for a walk, and do things that will help you alleviate the sadness you feel when you return to your empty home.

Empty nest syndrome is, of course, a difficult thing to do, but don’t forget that  it’s just a natural phase that every parent has to go through at some point.

It becomes easier when you accept the situation, understand it, and you work hard to handle it in the best possible way so that you can be your own best ally.

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