Clean Your Teeth With Natural Products

Traditional toothpastes, whiteners and mouthwashes contain aggressive ingredients that make frost to the natural pH balance of the mouth. Often, the products give a momentary feeling of freshness and purity, but in the long run they weaken the mouth’s resistance to bacteria. This can lead to perforation, gingivitis and other oral infections.
Clean your teeth with natural products

Instead of commercially available toothpastes and other products, it is possible to use natural and organic products that are made with the natural balance of the mouth in mind. In addition, these substances generally have a therapeutic effect. In this article, we will take a closer look at these substances and how they can be used to clean teeth and maintain oral hygiene. Often, natural products are also significantly cheaper than commercial oral hygiene products.

Clean teeth with white clay (bentonite)

White clay is also known as kaolin clay or Chinese clay. It is the mildest of all clay grades and is suitable for use on sensitive skin and mouth cleansers. White clay often forms the basis of natural toothpaste. The properties of white clay include:

  • It cleans.
  • It makes the pH balance of the mouth more alkaline.
  • Prevents inflammation.
  • Restores dental minerals and keeps them healthy.

White clay is suitable for all ages, but before use, make sure you are actually using pure white clay. There are many different types of clay, but only white clay is suitable for cleaning teeth. Other clay grades can be harmful to the oral mucosa. Choose fine-grained, as soft and smooth as possible white clay, as coarse clay can damage tooth enamel.

You can apply the clay directly to a damp toothbrush or use it in combination with some of the ingredients listed below.



clean your teeth with turmeric

This exotic spice has a wealth of health effects and is also suitable for oral hygiene. Turmeric has the following effects:

  • Prevents inflammation
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Whitens
  • Antiseptic agent

Clean your teeth by brushing them with turmeric for two minutes. Finally, rinse your mouth with water. You can combine a touch of turmeric with white clay to get a really effective, natural toothpaste.

Coconut oil


clean your teeth with coconut oil

This substance has many beneficial and medicinal effects on health and can also be used to clean teeth and mouth. In the manufacture of natural toothpaste, coconut oil gives the paste a more fluid composition. Coconut oil can also be used in the oil pulling method, where coconut oil is sprayed in the mouth for about 15 minutes in the morning and then spit out: this cleans even the narrow spaces between the teeth, whitens the teeth and removes bacteria.

The soft texture and delicious tropical taste of coconut oil is ideal for cleansing the mouth. The oil contains lauric acid, which prevents cavities and tartar.

Be sure to use extra Virgin coconut oil, as other grades of oil are easily rancid and lose their important properties.

Baking soda

clean your teeth with baking soda


Baking soda can be used to whiten teeth. Baking soda helps to clean teeth effectively and reduces gingivitis and irritation naturally. However, baking soda should not be used excessively, ie do not use it daily, as it has a strong alkaline composition and can damage tooth enamel.

We recommend using baking soda in moderation. Mix the soda with the other ingredients and keep the composition soft; for example, you can dissolve it in a liquid.

Tea extract from thyme

clean your teeth with thyme


You can make an effective mouthwash from thyme. Prepare the thyme extract using dried or fresh thyme and store it in the refrigerator for four days. You can use the extract daily to rinse your mouth.

After brushing your teeth, use thyme extract to complete the cleaning.  Thyme has an antiseptic and anti-perforation effect, which is suitable for relieving and preventing inflammation and for preventing acid patches. In addition, thyme is recommended for those whose gums bleed easily, for example after using dental floss.

Sea water

brush your teeth with seawater


Seawater gives you a good mouthwash that helps restore tooth minerals and makes your mouth more alkaline.  Namely, an acidic mouth causes more perforation and bacterial growth.

Mix 0.5 dec seawater (you can buy it from a pharmacy or health food store) with 2.5 dec ordinary tap water to get a good pH balance for the solution. The mouthwash doesn’t taste too salty, and you may not even notice the taste of the seawater. This mouthwash does not need to be stored in the refrigerator as there is no risk of contamination.

Banana peels

clean your teeth with banana peels


Did you know this surprising way to use banana peels? Banana peel whitens teeth.

The next time you eat a banana, don’t throw the peel in the trash but save them for teeth whitening. To clean your teeth, rub the inside of the shell against your teeth every day for about two minutes and brush your teeth as usual afterwards.

Teeth gradually whiten, and tartar and stains caused by coffee or red wine gradually disappear. The salicylic acid and citric acid in the banana peel gently but effectively whiten.

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