Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

Do you know what the best yoga poses are for beginners?
The best yoga poses for beginners

When starting an exercise hobby, it is important to be careful to avoid injuries. This also applies to yoga. It is important to know the best yoga postures for beginners to make starting yoga more comfortable.

Sometimes we think that exercise classes are only for young, slim and supple people. But yoga is a great sport for everyone, regardless of age, fitness and weight.

Because this thousands of years old species benefits the body and mind in so many different ways, it is important to know how to make the most of it from the very beginning. This makes the process more pleasant.

best yoga poses for beginners

Yoga Poses for Beginners: Start with the basics

For the first hour, you may feel clumsy or nervous. This can be avoided by keeping in mind that not everything succeeds immediately, but the development takes place step by step. Of course, you can also prepare to enjoy small successes.

Next, we’ll show you the best yoga poses for beginners if you want to practice at home before going to class.

1. Mountain position or tadasana

Tadasana is a good yoga posture for beginners

This is a great yoga posture for beginners.

  • Stand with the soles of the feet and legs together and separate the heels slightly apart.
  • Press your palms together and raise them to the level of your chest, keeping your back and head as straight as possible.
  • Relax your shoulders and slowly raise your arms together above your head, inhaling properly. You can close your eyes to focus better if you want.

If you need a deeper stretch, lift your heels off the floor and keep your balance on your toes.

2. Warrior position or v irabhadrasana

The warrior position is suitable for beginners

This yoga position helps to find a medium balance and at the same time stretches the body from the neck to the hips.

  • Take a standing position and take your right leg in front of your body, bending your knee slowly.
  • Keep your left foot as straight as possible.
  • Place your palms on your hips.
  • Raise your arms above your head. Slowly bend your head back.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.

3. Tree position or word

The wooden position is a suitable asana for beginners
  • This position begins in the same way as the mountain position: feet and soles side by side and palms at chest height.
  • Relax your shoulders and focus your gaze on one point (e.g. painting, sign on the wall, object, etc.).
  • Transfer all weight to the right foot and slowly lift the left foot off the floor.

The idea is to keep the sole of the foot against the right thigh. Finding balance in the beginning can be difficult, but keep your gaze at one point all the time. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then change legs.

4. Cat position or berry word

The cat position is easy for beginners

In this traditional yoga position, you can relax your neck and back while gaining more flexibility in your spine.

Place your palms, knees and feet against the floor or carpet on the floor.

  • Tilt your head back while bending your back to the arch.
  • After a few seconds, move in the opposite direction: tilt your head down and wheel your back toward the ceiling.
  • Repeat this slowly, at least 10 times.

5. Triangle or trikonasana

  • Stand with your shoulders in a slightly wider crotch position.
  • The feet should point forward in parallel.
  • Transfer the weight to your right leg and raise your left hand as straight as possible toward the sky.
  • Keep your right hand on your knee and lean your upper body in the same direction.
  • Once you have found your balance, turn your head so that you look at your left hand in the air.

Hold this position for a few seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position and do the same for the other side.

6. A down-looking dog or a dho mukhva svanasana

A downward-looking dog is in an easy yoga position

This beginner yoga position stretches the shoulders, calves and thighs and helps strengthen the legs and arms.

  • Place your palms and soles against the floor or carpet.
  • Keep your back straight and raise your hips so that your body forms a triangle, bending your upper body down over your leg. The head should be in line with the shoulders (gaze towards the knees).
  • To maintain better balance, open your fingers.
  • You can place the heels against the wall for the first time.
  • Relax your neck completely. Breathe slowly and stretch deeply.

8. Fish position or matsyasana

This last yoga position for beginners facilitates breathing and stretches the back and neck.

  • Lie on your back with your legs straight. Place your hands under your thighs, palm facing down.
  • Get up on your elbows and lift your upper body.
  • Tilt your head back and place the head cap against the floor.
  • Take a deep breath 5 times and slowly return to starting position.

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