Do Not Go To Bed With Hair Wet – 8 Health Hazards

Taking a shower before going to bed is a good way to relax after a long day, relieve muscle tension and prepare your body for sleep. However, sleeping with wet hair can be detrimental to your health, so if you love evening showers, don’t wash your hair.
Do not go to bed with hair wet - 8 health hazards

If you want to improve your sleep quality and relieve muscle tension, a late shower may be an ideal way to do this. Especially if you have played sports or otherwise performed physical activities, a warm shower will help your muscles relax and avoid nighttime cramps and pain. However, do not go to bed with your hair wet. 

Washing your hair in the evening, on the other hand, can be a bad idea, as this apparently harmless act can lead to adverse reactions in the capillaries, as well as in the muscles and the body’s defense system.

What happens when you go to bed with your hair wet?

Many may not be aware of these consequences, so in this article we’ll take a closer look at why washing your hair in the evenings isn’t always a good idea and why you shouldn’t go to bed with your hair wet.

1. Headache

a woman does not get sleep when she went to bed with her hair wet

Sleeping with wet hair can lead to severe headaches as wet hair leads to changes in body temperature. If you wrap your hair in a towel after showering, this can make the problem worse, as the hair takes longer to dry inside the towel. This affects the blood flow to the scalp and when the pressure in the head rises, it can lead to headaches and insomnia.

2. Hair breakage

If you want to keep your hair strong and healthy, you should avoid washing your hair before going to bed whenever possible. Wet hair is more likely to break when exposed to pressure. Often the bed becomes a changed position during the night, and this can strain the hair.

3. Dermatitis

rash on the forehead when going to bed with hair wet

Sleeping on wet hair can increase the risk of dermatitis and irritation, as moist and warm scalps are easily multiplied by bacteria and microorganisms.

When you wash your hair during the day, they have time to dry completely, while a hair wash done before going to bed leaves your hair moist and cannot dry properly under the covers. This results in an ideal breeding ground for fungi and bacteria that can develop into inflammation and symptoms such as itching and flaking. Dermatitis of the scalp can also spread to the ears, forehead and neck.

4. Itching and swelling

Fungi growing on the skin can lead to itching and inflammation of the scalp even after the hair has had time to dry.

This can become a chronic problem that can be difficult to get rid of without adequate treatment.

5. Allergies and the flu

Changes in body temperature during sleep are intensified if you go to bed with wet hair: this can lead to a weakening of the defense system and trigger allergies or lead to the flu.

When the head stays wet for many hours, it weakens the defense system and the body is not able to defend itself as effectively against viruses and bacteria as normal. Hair washed during the day dries completely in about an hour, but at night it can take until dry in the morning.

6. Oily hair

Sleeping on wet hair can lead to an increase in sebum production on the scalp, leading to scaling of the scalp.

This is due to changes in the function of the sebaceous glands, which in turn leads to fluctuations in the pH of the skin. Your hair can become tangled and greasy.

7. Muscle pain

stiff shoulders hair wet from sleeping

Of course, muscle pain can be caused by many different reasons, but wet hair can lead to muscle stiffness.

Changes in body temperature can lead to circulatory problems, as well as muscle stiffness and tension.

Wash your hair preferably in the morning or during the day, and protect it with a shower cap if you want to take a shower in the evening. If you can’t avoid washing your hair in the evening, dry it with a hair dryer before going to bed.

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