Being A Single Mother: What Awaits You

Single-parent families have always existed. Raising children is difficult, and being a single parent requires even more. It can be difficult, but you can still raise happy children.
Being a single mother: what awaits you

It is not easy to be a single mother. However, there have been single mothers since early times. These amazing women raise and educate their children themselves or with a little help. There are millions of single mothers who have raised happy, loving children and become happy, loving adults.

In this article, we specifically discuss single mothers, but we know, of course, that single mothers also exist in abundance.

Being a single mother

Motherhood is a great part of being a woman. At the same time, however, it can be complex. If you turn to your partner for help, it may be more tolerable, but this is not always the case.

A toxic relationship is not the best example for children. There are many women who have decided to continue their pregnancy despite the baby’s father’s separation.

mother and baby girl

There are also women who have been rejected by men when they become pregnant.

While being a single mother may not have been part of their original plan and may scare them quite a bit,  many women take on the challenge with love and courage.

Another phenomenon that is becoming more common is the use of women for artificial insemination to become pregnant on their own. They are disappointed in their relationship or they have not found the right person, and their biological clock is ticking.

Despite the case, the decision to become a single mother comes with its own challenges and rewards.

The challenges of being a single mother

If you have decided to raise your child alone, you are a single mother. The absence of a father should by no means be a disgrace to your children. Problems will arise, but they can all be solved. You are fully capable of raising healthy, loving and happy children.

It’s certainly harder than with a partner, but by no means impossible. Common recommendations for single mothers include:

Set up a support network for yourself

You are probably not completely alone.

Think about and find out which people can support you during pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for your baby. Your parents, siblings, cousins ​​and friends are all part of your support network.

If your partner has disregarded their responsibilities, try to avoid feeling depressed. You will surely have many acquaintances who are excited about your future motherhood  and are ready to support you in any way you can.

Some will be able to support you in complex tasks, others in easier things, but all the little support will help you make the role seem much easier.

Organize your work, time and financial situation

All the costs associated with raising a child will leave your account, so  there is no room for improvisation. It’s quite possible that you’ll be balling with work, motherhood, and childcare.

You need to make sure that your job is compatible with taking responsibility for the child. You need to be able to take and pick him up from the nursery or school, help him with homework, take him to the doctor and so on.

mother and girl drawing

So you need to consider things like medication, food, clothes, education, and of course hobbies and fun in your budget.

You need to  organize your schedule without drowning yourself in it. You need to make sure that you have and that you create enough time for your responsibilities and also for having fun. Also, you need to be patient when things don’t go according to plan.

You can do tomorrow what you didn’t do today.

Prepare for the big question

Prepare to hear questions about your child’s father. You don’t have to be under the influence of it, or worse, that your child would be exposed.

If you have decided to use artificial insemination, then you should be able to talk about it naturally in the same way you need to when you tell your child how he or she has come into the world.

If your partner rejected you or has passed away, you need to be able to talk about it without being crushed. It will take time, but you will get to the point where you can talk about it without pain or anger.

Remember that there  will also be many moments when you need to talk about your child’s father,  including the child himself.

Avoid talking or blaming evil

If you had a failed relationship with the child’s father,  avoid feeling frustrated, angry, or carrying resentment.

Especially avoid blaming children for the situation. They have no responsibility for you, and they are not the reason your relationship didn’t work.

Your children have a right to know where they came from, and you have a responsibility to give them the right and most neutral information of all that you can. Avoid giving your children a negative impression of their father. While it may be hard to remember, Dad is a part of them.

Tell them the truth about where they originated  and let them make their own decisions. This is especially important if your baby was fertilized through artificial insemination. Sooner or later they will ask where their father is.

Learn to forgive

It’s easy to say so, but it’s really not easy to really  forgive an absent father.

It is a process that takes time. You may say at first that you will forgive him, but it will take a long time before you really forgive.

mother gives her baby a kiss

If your partner is dead or he has rejected you,  you need to forgive not only him but also yourself. You may feel responsible for what happened.

You decided to have a child with that person and she gave you a great opportunity to become a mother. Forgive yourself.

Just as you have learned to forgive, you should help your children learn to forgive both you and their father. Forgiveness is a great expression of love that brings you closer to your children and it is most important of all.

Seek professional help

Supermother can’t do everything. A super mom is a mom who knows when she needs to ask for help. If you need the help of a psychologist for yourself or your children, don’t hesitate to ask for it.

While there are many reasons why people may try to hide their gloomy feelings, it is not good for you or your children. Family therapy  can help you all understand and solve your spiritual challenges.

If you can’t afford to pay for such services,  look for local support groups,  social media groups, or a family counselor who can suggest social centers.


Even if you can never replace your father, be the best mother you can be. To raise your child as a single mother, you need to give double the amount of love, patience, understanding, and commitment. 

It’s hard, but you can do it and your kids will thank you for it.

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