Nine Depressant Foods

Nine depressant foods

Depression is a serious and annoyingly common illness characterized by deep fatigue, anxiety, sadness, low self-confidence, and a general lack of enthusiasm for life and social situations. Depression can also include many other different symptoms, as it can occur in conjunction with other mental illnesses. Depression is partly an inherited disease that can be passed on from one generation to the next, but it is also affected by the environment and background, as well as the social and mental life of the individual. In this article, we talk about how the food we eat affects our minds and present nine depressant foods.

Depression is one of the most studied diseases and many different studies have been conducted in connection with it, especially when looking for cures. Based on these studies, it has also been possible to deduce which foods help prevent the onset of depression and can treat pre-existing depression. You should always visit your doctor to talk about your feelings, get a diagnosis and medication, and only then begin to support the healing process with food.

In this article, we present you 9 depressant foods that you can try for yourself.

9 depressant foods


Molasses is a thick syrupy substance obtained from sugar cane juice or sugar beet and is a by-product of the manufacture of sugar. In addition to sugar, molasses contains many other different substances, such as organic acids and betaine, that stimulate cellular energy production while preventing the symptoms of depression. However, do not eat too much molasses, as excessive sugar is not good for the body.


9 food to relieve depression - fish.

Salmon, sardines, tuna and anchovies are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the whole body. Omega acids are known to be good for the heart and prevent the formation of heart disease, lower blood triglycerides and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Fish is a great way to fight depression and stress, so we recommend eating it as much as possible. Prefer near-caught, fresh fish, and don’t rely too much on canned fish. Cans often excrete toxic substances into preserved food. Try raw salmon and tuna in the form of delicious sushi, for example .

Sugar beet

The above-mentioned molasses is obtained from sugar beet and can also be eaten as such. Sugar beet contains many of the same substances as molasses, and these substances accelerate dopamine production in the brain. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters in the brain that regulates moods and causes pleasure experiences.


The nutrients in soy do good for both body and mind.

Soy products have recently become very popular as consumption of cow’s milk products has declined. Soy has also been the subject of a lot of research showing that it contains a lot of useful nutrients that do good to the body.

Soy is a bean plant that is high in protein. Soy is available in many different forms: soy milk, soy yogurt and tofu are the most popular of these. Soy is high in amino acids and low in saturated fat, and does not contain cholesterol.

Soy-derived Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart health and, most importantly, they also help fight depression. 


Walnuts have brain-protective properties.


Walnuts are high in linoleic acid, one of the building blocks of Omega-3 fatty acids. We recommend walnut walnuts to combat depression. Walnuts are delicious on their own, in salads, desserts, porridge and yogurt – find your own way of eating them. In addition to the brain, walnuts protect the heart.

Dark rice

Dark rice is high in B vitamins (B1 and B3) and folic acid. Dark rice also has a low glycemic index, which means it keeps your blood sugar nicely flat without lowering it too low or raising it too high. This will help control your state of mind and keep you calm and satisfied.

Beer yeast

The amino acids contained in brewer's yeast strengthen the central nervous system.

Beer yeast is rich in vitamins B1, B2 and B3, making it a great addition to the diet of hard-working fitness enthusiasts and vegetarians. In addition, brewer’s yeast has up to 16 different amino acids that strengthen the central nervous system. Brewer’s yeast contains protein, folic acid, and trace elements, and the yeast flakes can be mixed with chilli, yogurt, porridge, or smoothies. The taste of the brewer’s yeast flakes is cheesy.


Oats have been known to be good for the body for decades. Oats are high in folic acid and vitamins B1 and B16, which promote digestive function and prevent blood sugar from falling too low. Even blood sugar keeps the mind in balance, and mood swings don’t occur as often.


Cabbage helps prevent depression.

Ordinary cabbage is surprisingly effective in preventing depression. According to an American study, cabbage is rich in vitamin C and folic acid, both of which prevent stress, vascular disease and many different cancers. Add cabbage to soups and salads.


Cocoa beans have been used to treat many different diseases among centuries-old peoples. Cocoa also fights depression. Just like molasses and walnuts, cocoa also contains selenium, which helps control mood, strengthen the brain, and prevent the signs of aging. Dark chocolate, raw cocoa and crushed cocoa beans are a good addition to your diet, as long as the malt is not eaten too much.

Incorporate these 9 depressant foods into your diet to reduce depressive symptoms and refresh your mind.

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