14 Ways To Remove Heavy Metals From The Liver

Lead can accumulate in the human body from ordinary tap water, as metal pipes can contaminate drinking water.
14 ways to remove heavy metals from the liver

Heavy metals are harmful to human health, and removing them from the body is very important. These metals are toxic substances that damage cells and cause disease. Several heavy metals accumulate in the liver, and over a longer period of time, they can cause very serious health problems.

So it is important that you know how you can properly cleanse your liver of these toxic metals. In addition to the liver, they can damage other organs, as the brain, kidneys, intestines and immune system are also at risk. So you should keep reading so you can pick up a few simple steps to get you started on removing heavy metals from your liver.

1. Why is the removal of heavy metals from the body so important?

Athlete on the beach with a water bottle in hand

Heavy metals are both organic and inorganic. Organic heavy metals come from some kind of medicine, but nonetheless, they are not harmless to health. Such heavy metals have also been added to certain common consumer products, such as alcohol and tobacco – so these products should be avoided not only because of other health hazards but also because of the heavy metals.

So what are inorganic heavy metals? These are the so-called inorganic toxins that a person gets into their body through food and a polluted environment. Sometimes, for example, working in a chemical industry or in a state where heavy metals are handled can cause a deterioration in health.

Sooner or later, a person will start to suffer from the effects of these heavy metals in the body if their accumulations are not removed properly. Accumulations form in our bodies at very specific points, and the sufferers here are the  lymphatic system and, above all, the liver. Thus, large accumulations of heavy metals in the body can be a really serious risk of disease.

2. Where do the most common heavy metals accumulate in the body come from?

Heavy metals in the city

This next piece of information may surprise you a little. Even if you do your best to keep your body healthy, you may accumulate heavy metals in it in many ways in your daily life. Urban pollution, drinking water, and chemicals used in many foods are the most common source of accumulating heavy metals. Potential toxins include many substances, such as:

  • Arsenic: This poison is the most harmful heavy metal in the human body. Do you know where it is often found? From tap water. The problem here is that the water we drink comes in contact with agricultural insecticides as it filters through the land. Humans also come into contact with arsenic when working in an environment where this substance is used.
  • Lead:  This usually enters the body from the pipes through which tap water comes. In addition, lead is present in agricultural insecticides that are commonly used in the production of certain foods, such as in the cultivation of vegetables.
  • Mercury : Mercury is found in fish and seafood grown in contaminated seas.
  • Cadmium : This poison is used in many agricultural fertilizers. It may therefore enter the human body on a daily basis without him being aware of this, as many fruits and vegetables contain this harmful metal. Although there is little cause for concern, as the amounts in food are generally very small, the accumulation of cadmium in the body may pose a risk to health in the longer term. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove heavy metal deposits in your body.

14 ways to remove heavy metals from the liver

1. Start each day by eating garlic on an empty stomach. To do this, you should take one peeled garlic clove and separate it into three small pieces, which you then eat with a glass of water. Don’t worry about the strong smell of garlic, as you can then drink lemon juice to make the smell disappear. Alternatively, you can eat xylitol chewing gum to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth. When eaten on an empty stomach, garlic is guaranteed to be an effective way to remove heavy metals from the liver.


2. Dandelion : Have you ever tried using dandelion to make a brew drink? You can drink this kind after lunch, and this plant is one of the best natural products to remove toxins from your body.

3. Artichoke water: This should be drunk twice a week. To prepare it, boil two artichokes in a liter of water. Remove the artichokes from the water when they have softened, and drink the liquid throughout the day. It’s a great help in cleansing your body, and we also recommend that you add a little lemon juice to your water to make your drink even more health-promoting.

4. Chlorella algae (chlorella pyrenoidosa):  This algae is a really effective aid in removing heavy metals from the body. It can be purchased at health food stores.

5. Leafy  Green : This is easily found in health food stores as well as green leafy vegetables. It is a great solution for treating liver health as it cleanses it of toxic substances as well as strengthens the immune system.

6. Coriander:  This common spice is already familiar to many for cooking, but it is also worth using for body cleansing purposes. So always put a few leaves in salads and soups if you want. Coriander is beneficial in terms of heavy metal deposits because it removes mercury, aluminum and lead, and it also helps strengthen your resistance.

7. Grapefruit-Orange Juice:  This refreshing juice also provides a strong dose of vitamin C to help cleanse the body. You can drink juice every morning and this is already worth it because of its great taste!

grapefruit orange juice

8. Oatmeal:  This food is also especially suitable for breakfast. Oatmeal contains a lot of zinc and selenium, which are minerals, and they help improve resistance as well as remove heavy metals.

9. Whole grain rice: It contains a lot of zinc, which helps maintain health. Whole grain rice is always a tasty addition to a variety of dishes, and in addition, it helps cleanse the body of toxins.

10. Peaches: These juicy, delicious and tempting fruits are a real natural treasure. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and thus they also help remove heavy metals from the body.

11. Broccoli:  This vegetable is one of the best natural products to cleanse the liver. However, it is important to always remember to buy only organically produced broccoli, otherwise it will contain harmful insecticides.

12. Raw Spinach: Spinach offers a very rich leafy green. It is always worth eating it raw, as this will allow you to reap the maximum amount of spinach’s great health benefits.

raw spinach

13. Brazil nuts:  These nuts are really tasty! They also contain large amounts of zinc and selenium, which are great substances for disposing of heavy metals.

14. Onion:  Did you know that this everyday favorite product is also useful in the fight against heavy metals? It is therefore advisable to add onions whenever possible, for example to salads. It contains a lot of sulfur, which is an effective aid in neutralizing aluminum, for example.

It is therefore worth starting to combat the health problems caused by the accumulation of heavy metals, which is easily achieved with the natural products mentioned above!

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