Treat Varicose Veins With Medical Extracts

In addition to consuming these medical extracts twice a day, you can also use them externally by mixing a drop of vegetable oil with the extract and using it for a massage. You can also make the extracts in a bath or compression bandage.
Treat varicose veins with medical extracts

Varicose veins are not only an aesthetic problem, but they are also a clear sign that you should improve blood circulation in your legs. In this article, we will give you instructions on how to make tea extracts made from medicinal plants to help treat varicose veins. At the same time, you will receive instructions for the natural, safe and effective treatment of varicose veins. So keep reading and treat varicose veins in natural ways.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are dilated blood vessels that can occur in all parts of the body, but most often they afflict the lower extremities and especially the knee joints. Sometimes varicose veins also appear on the face. Varicose veins are not always a visible ailment, but they can cause pain and pressure.

Hemorrhoids are one of the manifestations of varicose veins. Treat varicose veins with the medical extracts we present below.

Treat varicose veins with these natural medicinal products

The magic nut

This medicinal plant, whose magical name immediately fascinates, is one of the most well-known treatments for varicose veins. In addition, witch hazel has a hemorrhoid and diarrhea relieving effect as it binds fluids together. Using the walnut, you can treat both superficial and internal bleeding wounds.

To make a magic nut extract, boil the dried herb in a saucepan for three minutes, allow to extract for another three minutes and enjoy.

Treat varicose veins with a magic nut.


Horse chestnut

Horse chestnut accelerates blood circulation and its effects are known throughout the world. For this reason, horse chestnut is often added to treatments for varicose veins. The compounds in horse chestnut improve the function of blood vessels and reduce their size.

In addition, horse chestnut can be used to treat stuffy liver and relieve dizziness in tired legs.

To prepare an extract of horse chestnut, add a few teaspoons of dried plants to a cup of boiling water. Usually horse chestnut is utilized for its bark and nut. Let simmer for three minutes and remove from the heat, allow to simmer for another three minutes before eating.


Cypress is a great help in narrowing blood vessels and preventing varicose veins and has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. Sypress nut has a firming and binding effect, making it an excellent treatment for vascular problems.

In addition, cypress accelerates sweating and helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Tea extract is traditionally made from cypress nuts or young shoots and leaves.

Walnut tree

The walnut tree is known for its delicious hazelnuts. It is less commonly known to be affected by the ingredients contained in the leaves of the tree. The leaves are rich in tannins and flavonoids, which are ideal for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

An extract made from walnut helps prevent fluid retention, lower cholesterol, cure anemia, and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, it helps reduce stress and improve bowel function.

Prepare an extract from the walnut leaves.



The vines are known for their deliciously sweet grapes, which have many beneficial effects on the body. But did you know that vine leaves can be used to tighten blood vessels and treat tired legs? The leaves of the vine contain vitamins and tannins that improve the function of superficial blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation.

You can make a tea drink that cares for the leaves of the vine by boiling the dried leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes. Allow to extract for another 5 minutes, Strain and enjoy.

Treat varicose veins with these natural treatments as well

Raise your legs regularly.


Combine the aforementioned tea extracts with the tips below, and you’ll prevent varicose veins and treat visible baldness.

  • Avoid using hot water in the bath and shower.  Prefer cool or cold water, especially in areas where varicose veins are present. You can rinse your feet with cold water at the end of a warm shower, this will relieve coercion and pain.
  • In some cases, constipation can negatively affect blood vessels as it causes blockages in the pelvic area and reduces blood circulation. Treat constipation naturally and remember adequate hydration and fiber intake.
  • The medicinal plants mentioned in this article can also be used superficially. Mix a drop of essential oil or vegetable oil with the extract and you will get an effective massage oil for sore feet. Especially prefer almond oil, coconut oil and sesame oil.
  • Remember to exercise and stay active. Walk at least a mile every day, even light exercise keeps the blood circulation in the legs active.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure.
  • Lift your legs up against the wall at the end of a long day or lift your legs on a pillow at bedtime.
  • Be sure to drink about 2 liters of water a day in addition to tea extracts and dietary fluids. Hydration of the body is important as it prevents the accumulation of waste products and maintains fat burning.
  • Being overweight can increase the development of varicose veins, as excess weight can lead to an increase in lower limb pressure. So remember to take care of your body and enjoy healthy food. Make sure your dose is in order and lose weight if necessary. A healthy weight keeps your body healthy and functional.

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