10 Tips For A Happy Life

A smile can have a surprisingly large effect. Smiling has been found to release hormones that have a positive effect on mood. So smile at the receivers or at the checkout – you’ll soon realize how uplifting it is!
10 tips for a happy life

Remember because the last time you laughed so loud that the waters dripped from your eyes? When was the last time you were grateful for all the little mundane things that make life worth living and happy? If your life is overshadowed by constant resentment, stress, or disappointment, read this article and grab 10 tips for a happy life.

Where does happiness come from?

Spend more time outdoors

Outdoor activities have been proven to have a mood-boosting effect and are one way to a happy life. If you spend most of your day in the office or in an otherwise rugged interior, and you can’t see a glimpse of the sky or the trees, the mood can really drop into the bottom mud. So try to spend your free time in nature: go on a jogging path or in the woods, walk through the park on a business trip or buy a green plant for your workplace. The proximity of plants and nature has been found to repel stress and improve overall mood. The color green has been scientifically proven to produce feelings of happiness and positivity, as well as mental balance and serenity.

On a quiet forest path, the mind calms down and the stress level drops immediately. Spend as much time in the sun as you can get vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is closely related to health, happiness and the treatment of depression.


Not all of us love exercise, but most would still like to be more active. The benefits of exercise are known to everyone: exercise tightens muscles, keeps weight at normal readings, takes care of the heart and lungs, and improves overall alertness. Many feel that they get power and energy from exercise for their days.

In addition, sweating caused by exercise removes toxins from the body through the pores of the skin. Even a light strain quickly gets sweat on the surface and the body cleanses as if by itself. The less toxins your body has, the more sensitive it will be to fighting pathogens and keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise reduces stress and muscle tension, makes the skin glow and helps you sleep properly at night.

Sleep more

According to the recommendations, the sleep needs of adults vary between 7-8 hours. Sleep should be continuous and of good quality, i.e. not waking up at night and intermittent nap. Snoozing during the day does good, especially after a long and demanding day. A quick nap (up to 20 minutes) refreshes the mind and again manages better until evening with chores.

A good night’s sleep keeps the mind fresh and feeling efficient and positive. Too little sleep, in turn, can lead to even severe physical and mental symptoms such as depression, inability, irritability, headaches, etc. Keep your sleep rhythm and make sure you get enough sleep every night, even during busy periods.


Everyday meditation is easy and does not require many hours of putting in place or traveling to a Tibetan monastery. Instant meditation can be performed in minutes at home or at work, and it refreshes and calms the mind immediately. Some meditate right away in the morning to maintain a good mood until the evening, for others meditation is suitable, for example, during a lunch break to relieve stress. Evening meditation is also a great way to relax and eliminate the worries of the past day and focus on the moment.

Find a suitable time for meditation, sit or lie with your eyes closed in a comfortable position and focus on breathing deeply and calmly. During meditation, one should not think about stressful things or focus on one thought. Let your thoughts come and go and focus on being alone. Meditation will definitely help you move forward to a happy life when you practice it regularly.

Get a new hobby

Feeling comfortable with things and interests activates the mind, lifts a good mood and helps to break the boring routine of everyday life. Hobbies make life worth living, especially when experiencing congested periods of life at work and family life. Hobbies give you the freedom to enjoy your own abilities and learn something new. Hobbies raise self-confidence, open up the world and bring new acquaintances and friends to close circles. So set aside time for your hobbies, be it playing the piano, martial arts or learning a new language.


Listen to positive music

Listen to music that lifts your mood and makes you feel energetic and good. Whether it’s the latest chart hits or classical music, take your headphones with you and immerse yourself in the music on a rush bus or walk. Good music can also help you focus and increase your level of efficiency while studying or working. Turn the knobs to the southeast when cooking and jam and Sing along to the songs: this will lift your spirits instantly! Music reduces stress and keeps the mind positive, so don’t underestimate the importance of music as it also points the way to a happy life.

Write about your experiences and concerns

Everybody gets in the way of misery, stressful times and adversity. A good way to deal with these is to write about them. You can keep a regular diary or write down your thoughts occasionally: find your own way of dealing with things that happen in your life by writing. Writing can help clarify thoughts and relieve anxiety. Try to write down all the negative thoughts and concerns, crumble the page into a paper pen and throw it in the trash. This symbolic gesture tells your brain that these negative things are no longer part of your thoughts. Write without thinking about spelling or fluency of text, let the pen fly and unpack on paper.

be grateful

When was the last time you thanked someone? Gratitude and showing it is a sure path to happiness. A short and concise “thank you” can sometimes seem hard to say, but learn to use it in every situation. Showing thanks puts you and the recipient of the thanks in a positive mood, especially when it comes from the heart. Look into your eyes and thank the cashier, co-worker or spouse of the store – you’ll notice how much this simple word affects both yourself and others. Also thank yourself for everything you have done and what you have survived as a winner. Be grateful for the good things in your life: family, health, work, home, food, and hobbies.


Please be a friend

Sometimes the evaluation of friendship is in place. What kind of friend are you Is the friendship rewarding for both, or could the relationship be improved somehow? A good friend listens, gives advice, supports and is there when needed. Think about what you could do better as a friend.

Especially in the midst of distress, friends are important, so also remember in a hurry a friend’s worries and problems. You don’t have to start as a constant shoulder or a place of tragedy, but call a friend and tell them he or she is in your thoughts, even if you’re not on the spot or getting to meet him or her. Friends are a family we get to choose for ourselves, so make that family as good as possible.

Share happiness and joy around you

If you want to know the secret of happiness, you can find it in sharing happiness. When you share positivity and well-being around you, you also get it back in abundance, and you’re on your way to a happy life again. So wipe the poisoned look from your face and look people in the eyes, smile, thank, praise and tell how important your loved ones are to you. Positivity creates more positivity and attracts similar people.

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