5 Home Treatments To Overcome Fatigue

Relieving fatigue and giving the body the extra energy it needs can well be done with natural foods. So when exhaustion strikes, you can resort to familiar foods and not need any complicated artificial vitamins at all.
5 home treatments to overcome fatigue

Fatigue is a very common phenomenon known to everyone, which can be caused by poor sleep, an intense work day, or many other reasons, such as strenuous travel. In this article, we present five home treatments to overcome fatigue.

Fatigue is about a physical and mental feeling of weakness that can disrupt your day. Fatigue often results in weakness in the body and difficulty concentrating.

In most situations, however, fatigue is transient and disappears with proper rest and a healthy diet. Sometimes, however, fatigue is a reaction of the body to a disease that makes a person feel exhausted more often than usual.

Fortunately, there are natural ingredients with  active compounds that work effectively to overcome fatigue. All you need for this are inexpensive home products that are a healthy option for renewing resources in a stressful moment.

So this time, we ’re talking about five types of home care for fatigue that are definitely worth trying instead of using some artificial product that raises energy levels, which is currently found in stores to the greatest extent.

5 home treatments to overcome fatigue

1. Ginger tea fights fatigue

Ginger root is famous for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds that work effectively against muscle pain. The rich amount of antioxidants it contains helps to remove toxic substances from the body, and at the same time, ginger fights the harmful effects of free radicals in the body.

Ginger has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, and thus is a great way to overcome fatigue if you want to get more energy to improve your performance.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 250 ml of water

Do this

  • Boil a cup of water and then pour it over the grated ginger.
  • Let simmer for 10 minutes and strain. Then you can already enjoy your drink.
  • Drink no more than three cups a day.

2. Oat drink

Oats contain carbohydrates and fiber, and it increases the body’s energy while reducing the feeling of fatigue. Oats are considered one of the healthiest foods because they help improve digestion and promote cardiovascular health.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons oats
  • Glass of oat milk (200 ml)
  • Honey (if you wish)

Do this

  • Mix the oats with the milk, and then add a little honey if you want your drink a little sweeter.
  • Stir for a few seconds, then serve the drink without sifting.
  • Enjoy oatmeal at any time of the day.

3. Apple, orange and lemon juice

To overcome fatigue, try a drink made from apple, lemon and orange.


Not only is this delicious drink invigorating, it is the perfect help to improve your body’s resistance as well as prevent disease.

It contains a large amount of vitamin C and fiber, which help remove waste from your body and thus improve your health.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 apples
  • 5 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 glass of water

Do this

  • Wash and slice the apples without removing their peel.
  • Squeeze the juice from the oranges and lemon.
  • Put everything in a blender, and add the water as well. Allow to mix until a smooth juice is obtained.
  • Serve fresh preferably before breakfast. Do not strain your drink.

4. Ginseng stew

Ginseng root is good for health as it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Regular intake of ginseng keeps diseases at bay, and in addition, it  helps reduce fatigue associated with stress or excessive strain from work.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 piece of ginseng root
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • Honey (if you wish)

Do this

  • Let the water boil, and then add the ginseng root. Allow the liquid to simmer on low heat for about two minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, and allow the liquid to simmer. Then strain your drink.
  • To increase the effects of the drink on your body, add a little honey, and enjoy.
  • Drink once a day whenever you feel the need to combat fatigue.

5. Yogurt-banana smoothie

This drink helps reduce both mental and physical fatigue.


This yogurt-banana smoothie is a healthy drink as it is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. It helps reduce physical and mental fatigue.

It also includes wheat germ, strawberries and milk. These ingredients contain carbohydrates and high-quality antioxidants that combat the damage caused by oxidation, while reducing hunger and malaise.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup unflavoured yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • 3 tablespoons wheat germ
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon skim milk

Do this

  • Chop the banana and wash the strawberries.
  • Put the ingredients in a blender, and let them blend for a few minutes until a smooth, creamy drink is obtained.
  • Drink immediately.

Any of these home treatments will help you get rid of fatigue so you can be more active and feel better.

However, in order to overcome fatigue, in addition to consuming the drinks we present, you should stick to a healthy lifestyle that includes adequate rest, a balanced diet, and regular use of relaxation techniques.

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