The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make In Close Relationships

Addiction is an addiction, and like any addiction, it is not easy to overcome. Learn to identify common mistakes that tell you about interdependence so you can learn to be happy without a relationship.
The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Closely Dependent People Make

Interdependent people are unable to live alone without a relationship. When their relationship ends, they quickly look for a new partner to fill the vacuum created by the difference.

Sometimes the relationships of such people are not based on love but on need. For this reason, over time, they get bored, start arguing, and get tired of resigning.

However, people addicted are not themselves aware of their problem, at least not until they begin to feel anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction. Before that, they have no intention of breaking free from the vicious circle of addiction into which they are stuck. This is a difficult situation that is not easy to resolve.

Today, we’ll look at the top five mistakes made by people in close contact so you can identify signs of addiction in yourself or in someone you know.

1. Relatively dependent people are not able to set boundaries

Woman in water

Setting boundaries is necessary in almost every aspect of life. For example, you might like the taste of alcohol. However, you know that if you drink too much or too often, your health will deteriorate.

When closely related people start a relationship, they give up on things that the partner doesn’t like. They do this so as not to lose the person next to them.

Because of this, their self-esteem is crushed and they feel abused. They do not express themselves truthfully because they are afraid to pursue their partner’s path.

They give up the truth they need so they don’t feel the feelings of emptiness in their chest again without a relationship.

2. The partner is the center of their lives

Closely dependent people are very different with different partners. This is because they change their roles depending on who they are with.

When you start dating someone new, you should keep the same hobbies you enjoyed before. However, a close-knit person changes. He begins to embrace his partner’s preferences. He gives up old things he used to enjoy.

Calm woman

He also begins to experience compulsive and obsessive feelings. He thinks of the person he needs all the time. He starts doing things for the sake of another person and in his place.

He reshapes his own life to fit in with his partner’s life, changing it completely and unreasonably. Why is this happening?

Interdependent people do not see themselves and their partner as two separate people sharing their lives with each other. They see the relationship as two individuals merging into one.

3. Their happiness does not depend on them

When the happiness or grief of a dependent person begins to depend on the behavior of another person, he or she is in great difficulty. Suddenly he is no longer the master of his feelings. This great responsibility is transferred to another person.

If he says something negative and his partner ignores him, it can make even a good day gloomy and sad.

What you feel cannot depend on another person. He’s not you. He does not control your emotions. However, people close to you let this happen despite the fact that it hurts.

4. They do not tolerate the idea of ​​being rejected

A girl on a broken heart

This is not to say that they would not have driven people out of their lives in the past. Maybe they even took the initiative to do it themselves. However, they probably already had a new person waiting.

An emotionally addicted person never leaves his partner. Or rather,  he will not leave his partner unless he has a surrogate for him.

That is why such people are constantly living in fear of being rejected. They put the other person’s needs ahead of their own and do their best to please their partner. In other words, they submit.

Because of this fear, they have an emergency to control the situation. Sometimes, however, it is not possible, and then they feel pain, despair, and anxiety.

5. They know they are unhappy but cannot leave

While they may say they are happy, they know it really isn’t. Every time a close-knit person is left alone, he or she gets a panic attack.

Other people are his drug, which he has to get every day. If he doesn’t get his “dose” of the day, he won’t endure withdrawal symptoms.

If this sounds like you, start doing something about it to be alone. Learn to enjoy your own company. Don’t tie yourself to someone else just to fill the vacuum inside you.

It is not easy. But who said getting rid of addiction would be simple?

Something awesome happens the moment you learn to be happy alone. It means you are really ready to be with another person.

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