6 Things You Should Know About Moonballs

Moon cups are hygienic, comfortable and inexpensive compared to the use of continuous tampons and bandages. Moon cups have become a popular alternative to menstrual pads.
6 Things You Should Know About Moonballs

Menstruation is an essential part of a woman’s life from adolescence to menopause. Menstruation arrives on average every 28 days, with some women less likely depending on the natural cycle. Menstrual pads cost women hundreds of euros over their lifetime, but a menstrual cup lasts for years. Using menstrual cups also reduces the amount of waste that menstrual pads generate each year.

Moon cups were centered as early as the late 19th century and have evolved considerably from the first designs.  Moon cups are made of different materials, nowadays they are made of silicone. Using a moon cup can save money and nature, and it’s good for your health as well. These menstrual pads are therefore an excellent choice in a nonella way.

1. What miracle moon moon?

Moon cups

The moon cup can be used instead of traditional tampons and menstrual pads. A menstrual cup is a small cup made of medical silicone or latex that is inserted into the vagina. The menstrual cup collects menstrual blood and can be kept in the vagina for 12 hours.

Women who are allergic to latex should wear moon cups made of silicone.

2. How are mooncups used?

Using a moon cup may require learning and practice. Often, putting the cup in place requires a few workouts, and it’s worth doing it before your period starts. Don’t worry if the cup feels uncomfortable the first time. Try different positions and be sure to place the cup deep enough.

Menstrual pads and tampons absorb menstrual blood, while the menstrual cup collects blood and empties it when it is full. The menstrual cup is placed in the vagina, and depending on the amount of leakage, it can be in the vagina for 8 to 12 hours.

When the cup is full, it is removed from the vagina and emptied. It is advisable to rinse the cup with water before resetting. If for some reason you can’t rinse the cup, you can wash it next time.

Sometimes there is pain in the early stages of using the cup because the material of the moon cup is still rigid. The material softens during use. The mooncup only needs to be emptied two to four times a day and can be used overnight. The menstrual cup is also suitable for use with the coil and contraceptive ring, but when used with the coil, it is advisable to discuss the use of the cup with a gynecologist first.

3. Four good reasons to use a moon cup

Moon cup
  • One moon cup lasts up to 10 years.  Menstrual pads and tampons are disposable, so they are thrown in the trash after one use. Shelters involve a lot of money and accumulate in landfills, polluting nature. The mooncup can be used for 10 years as long as you remember to disinfect it between periods in hot water.
  • The moon cup can hold the most leakage.  When using a moon cup, there is no need to worry about leaks, as the cup creates a vacuum in the vagina and stays in place ideally. If your period is heavy, the largest cups can hold up to 30 ml of fluid. The tampon can absorb only 5 milliliters of fluid and the menstrual pad only 10 ml, so their capacity is considerably weaker than the menstrual cup. Outside the cup, there are usually gauges to help you see how much you have leaked.
  • The moon cup adapts to the body.  Cups made of silicone and latex adapt comfortably to vaginal shapes and stay in place well. You can exercise normally and the moon cup will stay with you even when going hard.
  • Adverse reactions are rare.  Inflammation and vaginal irritation are common with tampons, but the same phenomenon is rare with the use of menstrual cups. Just remember to make sure that if you are allergic to latex, the cup does not contain it.

4. Moon cups are more affordable

A moon cup usually costs around € 30 depending on where you buy it. Usually, the mooncup is sold in a small cloth bag that is suitable for storing it.

A good quality cup lasts 10 years in use, which makes it a much cheaper alternative to tampons and bandages. The menstrual cup can be used on all bleeding days from the beginning to the end of menstruation.

5. Taking care of the moonlight is easy

Moon cup in hand

The material of the moon cups is easy to clean and maintain:

  • At the beginning of menstruation : when the cup is new and unused, remove it from the bag and boil it in water for 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to reserve your own small cauldron for cleaning the moon cup. Allow the cup to dry and cool before use.
  • During menstruation : it is important to rinse the cup after each emptying. Rinse the cup under the tap.
  • After menstruation : wash the menstrual cup thoroughly before preserving. Use unscented soap and running water to wash the cup thoroughly. Allow the cup to dry and place it in a storage bag. Store the cup in a well-ventilated and dry place, this will prevent bacterial growth.

6. There are different sizes of moon cups

Every woman has a different anatomy and when it comes to hygiene, it is important to choose the right equipment for your needs. Moon cups are usually available in two sizes: the smaller one is suitable for women who have not given birth and the larger ones for women who have had children down. This is because the size of the vagina changes during childbirth.

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