Lower Cholesterol With Traditional Chinese Treatment

The key ingredients in this treatment, lemon and garlic, have very effective health effects. Combining them will give you a great treatment to lower your cholesterol levels.
Lower cholesterol with traditional Chinese treatment

Cholesterol is a type of fat (also known as lipid) that the body needs to function at its best.

However, the problem with cholesterol is that it is occurring more and more in humans today, and this leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.  This health problem is usually due to poor diet.

In medical terms, this condition is known as obesity or hypercholesterolemia, and in order to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels from developing into more serious diseases, it is important to manage cholesterol levels properly.

What is cholesterol?

At this point, it is also essential to talk about cholesterol per se. It is classified into three categories, which are as follows:

  • “Good” cholesterol is known as HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprotein)
  • “Bad” cholesterol is called low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
  • The amount of cholesterol in the body as a whole is the accumulation of these two types

In most cases, those people with high cholesterol levels have simply followed a diet high in fat. However, high cholesterol levels can also be the result of being overweight or a sedentary lifestyle.

Today, health and cardiovascular experts are increasingly being warned that the risks of high cholesterol are serious. So you should definitely be aware of them.

That’s why this time we want to talk about an effective natural treatment as well as lifestyles that can help you restore your cholesterol to a healthier level  without any detrimental effects on your well-being.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for centuries, and only one of its treatments is particularly popular worldwide for high cholesterol. Read more as we now talk about  traditional Chinese treatment to lower cholesterol – completely natural and very easy!

What is this Chinese treatment?

The treatment we present, based on traditional Chinese medicine, combines the nourishing effects of garlic with the benefits of lemon juice. This will help you improve your cardiovascular health, lower the amount of cholesterol in your body, and also boost your weight loss (if that is your goal).

The two most important ingredients in the treatment are utilized in this recipe as a stew, which is an intense drink that cleanses the body of toxic substances. It eliminates waste and prevents other chronic health problems.

The main effect of this treatment is on the functioning of the heart and blood circulation, as it improves blood circulation and cleanses the blood.

Why does garlic lower cholesterol?

Garlic contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that make it one of the best treatments you can find in stores.

One of the active ingredients in  garlic, known as allicin, is responsible for lowering high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

This product helps prevent blood clots by blocking the formation of blood clots.

Why is lemon juice an effective cholesterol repellent?


lemon for lowering cholesterol

Lemons are one of the most effective foods to increase alkalinity and are widely used in natural medicine. They help balance the pH of the blood.

Lemon antioxidant content is also good for cleansing of the blood vessels, and it  stimulates the clearance of cholesterol from the body.

Lemons are believed to protect the heart as they help the body cleanse itself of toxic substances. This effect reduces the likelihood of suffering from high blood pressure and blockage of the arteries.

How is this traditional Chinese treatment made?

This recipe is very easy to implement and the ingredients are both readily available and very inexpensive.

Drink this drink in a glass twice a day, first after breakfast and then again before dinner.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 medium-sized organically produced lemons
  • 35 cloves of garlic


  • Peel the garlic and cut them into larger pieces.
  • Soak the lemons in water with a little apple cider vinegar or baking soda to remove the bacteria from the peels. After an hour, remove the lemons from the water and cut them into slices (without peeling them).
  • Let the water boil.
  • When the water boils, reduce the heat and add the garlic and lemons.
  • Allow the mixture to stand and then remove it from the stove just before the water starts to boil again.
  • Once the liquid has cooled to room temperature, leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Start drinking the next morning, Strain before drinking.

During the first few weeks, you will definitely start to notice the good effects of the treatment on your body. However, it is important to contact your doctor during treatment  so that you do not get any bad side effects from it.

So rely on traditional Chinese medicine – try lemon and garlic so you can lower your cholesterol completely naturally and very cheaply!

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