6 Easy Ways To Moisturize The Skin

Good hydration is one of the keys to healthy, firm and strong skin. Now, here are six tips for adopting a healthier diet and other habits so you can moisturize your skin naturally.
6 easy ways to moisturize your skin

Beautiful skin comes with health, and if your diet is healthy – without unnecessary fat, processed sugars, and junk food – your skin usually doesn’t cause any problems.

Everyone has their own skin type, and  depending on the characteristics of your skin, you will react in a certain way to cosmetic products. That’s why it’s important to monitor your skin’s reaction to new products that promise moisturizing.

Now we give good basic tips on how to moisturize your skin if you want it to be more beautiful and healthier.

1. Drink enough water

the best way to moisturize the skin is to drink water

This is the fastest, most natural and effective way to moisturize your skin. If your body is not properly hydrated, it will never be this way for the outer shell either.

Remember that physical beauty starts inside the body and will eventually show up in the skin as well.

It would be ideal to enjoy fresh water, i.e. unsweetened or unflavoured. So stay away from carbonated drinks and artificially sweetened waters, for example.

If you’re not a big lover of water alone, try adding fruit along. Put water in the fridge or add ice to it on hot days.

You can add flavor and variety without calories – if you crave sugar, add a little honey and reduce it little by little. You will find that in just a few months, even clean water tastes good.

2. More herb stew and fewer soft drinks

It’s hard to keep your skin hydrated if you enjoy a lot of soft drinks, but the taste, sweetness, and energy intake of such products make them appealing to many of us.

The best herbal stews for the skin include green and white tea, as well as chamomile, lavender, rosemary and thyme.

To make the tea get more flavor, you can add fruit or spices, as in the following recipe:

Cinnamon, pear and vanilla

The taste of this stew is refreshingly delicious, and its ingredients reduce nausea and joint pain.


  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 fresh vanilla stick
  • ½ pear
  • 2-3 cm ginger root
  • 1 cup boiling water


Put cinnamon, vanilla, pear and ginger in boiling water. Let the drink simmer for ten minutes and then strain. You can enjoy it warm or add ice cubes.

3. Homemade creams made from natural oils

essential oils moisturize the skin

One tip for moisturizing your skin is to use natural creams, and with them you can treat problems with one product and cheaply.

All you need is a little ointment as a base and then the desired oil. Olive oil is a common choice and helps in many situations as it is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that rejuvenate the skin and keep it hydrated.


  • 1.5 dl body cream
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 plastic tipper with lid

Do this

Mix the ingredients well and use an ointment instead of your usual moisturizer.

You can also add 3-5 drops of essential oils to give a scent, and you can also put one vitamin E capsule to make the skin more effective in moisturizing.

4. Mild and natural soap moisturizes the skin

If your skin has been particularly dry recently, and if you have drunk plenty of fluids, however, the problem may be with your soap.

Use neutral soap made from natural ingredients. This way, you get natural oils for your skin instead of taking them away.

It is important to read the leaflets carefully before buying, and the best products include glycerin or aloe vera, for example.

5. Avoid very hot water in the shower

sunstroke and dehydration

A hot shower with cold air is awesome, but if the water is too hot, you may remove too many natural oils from your skin.

You should use cool water, but even warmer is OK. Very hot water affects the bloodstream in a way that can result in problems in the long run.

If you love hot showers, you need to limit them if you want more moisturized skin. Also, make sure that you apply enough moisturizer afterwards.

6. Eat enough fruit

Finally, we would like to mention that fruit is nature’s best way to moisturize the skin. They are delicious at first, but they are also very rich in water. Enjoy at least two fruits a day.

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