5 Reasons To Drink Coffee

5 reasons to drink coffee

If you’ve always thought of coffee as if it were evil, you’ll be happy to hear that it’s actually a drink that can be good for your health. And if you work out, coffee can be even more useful to you. This article explains five reasons why you drink coffee, how to maintain an active lifestyle, and how to enjoy all the properties of this drink that it offers.

Many people drink coffee first in the morning, and a recent study found that drinking a cup of coffee helps with weight loss. A Spanish study published in International Sports Nutrition and Metabolism Magazine found that athletes who consumed caffeine before sports burned about 15% more calories three hours after sports compared to those who took placebo. The dose that caused the effects was 4.5 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. For women who weigh 68 kilograms, the dose that should be drunk each morning is about 300 milligrams of caffeine, which is approximately 340.2 grams of coffee.

Excellent reasons to drink coffee

Then let’s take a closer look at why you should drink coffee!

1. Coffee improves blood circulation

A recent Japanese study looked at the effects of coffee on the bloodstream in people who had not drunk coffee regularly. Each participant drank a cup containing approximately 142 grams of normal and decaffeinated coffee. The researchers then measured the blood flow in the finger to know how well the smallest blood vessels in the body were working. Blood flow increased by 30% over 75 minutes in people who drank caffeinated coffee compared with those who drank decaffeinated coffee. So  if you drink coffee every morning or after a meal, your blood circulation can improve.

2. Reduces muscle pain

Muscle pain can be prevented by drinking coffee

Researchers at the University of Illinois found that drinking an amount of caffeine equivalent to 2 to 3 cups of coffee an hour before a 30-minute high-intensity sport reduces the likelihood of muscle pain. The bottom line is that caffeine can help you train a little harder during strenuous sports or even during other types of sports designed to strengthen muscles and / or endurance.

3. Improves memory

The brain benefits from coffee

A study published this year by Johns Hopkins University found that caffeine improves memory up to 24 hours after ingestion. People who did not drink coffee regularly were given placebo or 200 milligrams of caffeine five minutes after viewing the series. The next day, the researchers asked both groups to recall the images and the group that had ingested caffeine memory the images much better. This means that coffee can improve memory. This could really help a lot on a daily basis.

4. Helps maintain muscle

In a recent animal study, sports scientists at Coventry University found that caffeine helped compensate for the loss of muscle strength caused by aging. Protective effects were also observed in both the diaphragm, an important muscle used for respiration, and the muscles of the spine. The results show that moderate and appropriate use of caffeine can help maintain general physical fitness and reduce the risk of age-related injuries.

5. Gives muscles energy

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, it was found that low levels of caffeine after sports can also be helpful, especially in endurance sports where you train one day after another. The study found that compared to eating carbohydrates alone, the combination of carbohydrates and caffeine resulted in a 66% increase in muscle glycogen four hours after intense exercise. Glycogen is the way carbohydrates are stored in muscles and acts as a vital energy during sports and “refueling” strength training. A higher glycogen storage means that your athletic capacity will increase.

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