How To Maintain Digestive Health

Eating high-fiber foods and keeping bile secretion in order can help keep your digestive system healthy. But what else do you need to know about this? We will explore the topic in more detail in this article.
How to maintain the health of the digestive system

There are as many cells in the gut of an adult as there are bacteria. More than 70% of these bacteria inhabit the colon and act as a kind of organ, performing functions essential to the health of the digestive system. As can be seen from this, it is very important to take care of the intestinal bacterial population in order to keep the digestive system healthy. In this article, we will tell you how to maintain the health of your digestive system. Read more below!

How to maintain the health of the digestive system

The gut plays an important role in health
Bacteria inhabit the intestine, which plays an important role in human health. It is therefore important to adopt certain lifestyles for the benefit of the intestinal bacterial population.

Fermentable fibers

Most intestinal bacteria are anaerobic and participate in the digestive process through fermentation. Fermentable fibers include pectins, vegetable glue, fructans, resistant starch and polyphenols. Such fibers are found in fruits, vegetables and tubers.

Bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids from this fiber, especially butyrate, propionate and acetate. These compounds are essential for several functions, such as:

  • Maintenance of intestinal health in the form of acidic pH regulation, energy substrate for intestinal epithelial cells, production of mucin and antimicrobial peptides, etc.
  • Optimal functioning of the immune system, including control of low-grade inflammation and lymphocyte production.

In addition to the production of short-chain fatty acids, the process of fiber fermentation in the colon produces some gas, mainly carbon dioxide, but also hydrogen and methane. These make up a large part of the gas that is released from the human gut on a daily basis. The gas also consists of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide, among others.

The intestinal fermentation process is therefore healthy and necessary for intestinal health, despite odor nuisances.

Effect of bile on the digestive system

Bile is a yellowish fluid produced by the liver that is stored in the gallbladder and released during the digestive process. Bile performs antimicrobial and digestive functions by emulsifying fats so that they can be digested by digestive enzymes.

Most of the bile acid is absorbed back at the end of the small intestine, but a small amount is released into the colon. There, it speeds up the passage of food through the intestines, and may even cause diarrhea when poorly absorbed. In contrast, in people with irritable bowel syndrome or predisposed to constipation, bile secretion may be impaired.

Tips for maintaining digestive health

In addition to eating fermentable fibers, which are thus found in fruits and vegetables, the following tips can help maintain the condition of bile secretion in people with constipation, odorless intestinal gases, or any disorder related to bowel function. First of all, however, it is very important to go to the doctor.

It is important that the pH of the stomach is in balance. In fact, lower production of hydrochloric acid has been associated with gallstones. Therefore:

  • Eat when you are hungry
  • Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice before meals
  • Take betaine hydrochloride as a supplement if needed

You can also add a few drops of bitter plant extracts to the lemon juice, such as artichoke, bitter gourd, marjoram, chamomile sauna and pomeranian. These herbs facilitate the secretion of bile and can help with stomach upset after eating. However, you should seek medical advice before use.

How to maintain digestive health: other tips

Lemon water helps to treat the health of the digestive system
Lemon water is one such supplement that can help treat intestinal health.

Drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, as the gallbladder stimulating effect of coffee can help the digestive system. However, don’t overdo it as it can be addictive.

Eat plenty of good fats as it promotes gallbladder contraction and can help keep bile secretion in good condition. For example, if you suffer from constipation, try enjoying more extra virgin olive oil.


If you’re one of those people who eats a lot of fermentable fiber and often suffers from constipation as well as odorless gases, and your doctor has also ruled out an organic cause, these tips will help stimulate bile secretion. It may well be the solution to better digestive health.

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