Probiotic Foods Promote Intestinal Health

In this text, we explain why probiotic foods are important for intestinal well-being. They are such an effective aid that they should not be missed!
Probiotic foods promote intestinal health

Probiotic foods contain living organisms that stimulate abdominal enzymes and gastric fluid production. Therefore, probiotic foods offer great benefits for digestive health, and in addition, they nourish the body effectively.

Human intestinal vegetation consists of various harmless groups of bacteria. These bacteria are important for the body’s resistance as they help to develop the body’s immune response. In other words, the intestinal culture prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying in the mucous membranes.

Not all bacteria are dangerous to the body, and often a person destroys their good bacteria through poor eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption, or some medications.

The good news is that you can replenish the set of good bacteria in your gut without having to see much effort. We will now tell you which prebiotic and probiotic foods are best for promoting intestinal function and thus the well-being of the whole body.

Probiotic foods

1. Kefir

Probiotic foods: kefir.

One of the most popular probiotic foods today is kefir. This is the healthiest and most effective choice to promote digestion, as it is rich in living organisms and also contains less lactose than yogurt.

It is based on live yeast, which originates in goat, cow or sheep’s milk. After 28-48 days, the kefir can be strained.

This process results in a liquid that is ingested immediately, or it can be stored in a refrigerator for later use. However, if you choose to store kefir, leave the yeast with until the milk is fermented.

If you have lactose intolerance, you can still enjoy kefir as it does not cause any harm to your body.

2. Fermented cabbage

White cabbage

Sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage, is immediately second on our list of foods that increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut and thus effectively promote health.

Sauerkraut is a common dish in many European countries and is typically eaten alongside meat and fish because it facilitates digestion. To get the cabbage sauerkraut made, all you have to do is leave the cabbage leaves in water with salt – this will bring about the fermentation process.

Sauerkraut is not always available in stores, and if you find it, it has probably been fermented with vinegar and alcohol. In order to get good quality sauerkraut, you should prepare it yourself, and you can also try processing other vegetables using this process.

3. Fermented pineapple

Probiotic foods: fermented pineapple.

Probiotic drinks that increase the number of good bacteria in the gut include tepache , a juice containing fermented pineapple. More specifically, it utilizes pineapple peels, and to prepare such a drink, you only need the following ingredients:

  • 3.5 liters of water
  • Peel of a large, ripe pineapple or shells of two medium-sized pineapples
  • 500 grams of dark sugar, panel or cane syrup


  • Wash the pineapple peel thoroughly and chop it.
  • Then place the pieces of the shell in a ceramic jar or glass jar with an airtight lid. Add two more liters of water and sugar.
  • Close the lid tightly and leave the jar in a warm place for 48 hours.
  • After 48 hours, add the rest of the water and mix well.
  • Leave the jar in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  • Before you enjoy the drink, you should let it cool down in the fridge, and you can also put the remaining drink in the refrigerator.

4. Yogurt

Probiotic foods: yogurt.

Yogurt, which is a food based on fermented milk, is the result of the conversion of lactose, or milk sugar, into lactic acid. This process is precisely the factor that makes yogurt familiar with its sour taste.

In addition to being very nutritious, yogurt regulates intestinal function and is helpful in controlling bacteria. It also provides the body with a very special and antibiotic effect that prevents and relieves infectious diarrhea.

  • Natural yogurt should be eaten daily.
  • You can vary the flavors and add, for example, fruit, honey or oats.

5. Tempe

Tempé cakes.

Tempeh or Tempe is one of the best sources of probiotics. It is a product obtained from fermented soy.

Tempe provides all the essential amino acids and is very beneficial for menopausal women as it is able to relieve the common symptoms of this episode as well as strengthen bones.

The best sources of prebiotics

Another group of foods recommended for adding good intestinal bacteria are prebiotics. They are helpful in enhancing the presence of several good bacterial groups in the colon.

Prebiotics are an indigestible fiber that feeds intestinal probiotics. When probiotics have food available, they work more effectively. Therefore, it is important to enjoy both probiotic and prebiotic foods.

1. Whole grains

Different beans.

Whole grain is high in fiber and therefore easier for the intestines to handle, which is why it then speeds up the metabolism.

2. Green vegetables


Spinach, broccoli and celery are great choices if you are effectively looking for prebiotic foods that increase the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut. They are rich in minerals and nutrients that can improve the health of the whole body.

You should enjoy 2.5 dl of green vegetables with each meal. This way you can ensure that your digestion gets all the factors required for its smooth functioning.

Now you know what the best prebiotic and probiotic foods are to improve bowel function. Start increasing the amount of these products in your diet!

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