Treatment Against Fluid Retention And Abdominal Fat

Ginger helps burn fat by boosting your metabolism and making you feel full. Cinnamon raises body temperature, thus leading to similar results.
Treatment against fluid retention and abdominal fat

Who now wouldn’t have any extra fat at the waist? It is perfectly normal, especially for women, that as we age and our metabolism slows down, fat and excess body fluids accumulate in the waist area. Want to learn an easy treatment for this? We present a treatment for belly fat in this article!

An easy way to combat belly fat and prevent fluid buildup

do against belly fat

Is it really possible to fight both at the same time? Eliminate body fluids and fight obesity at the same time? Yes, only, but of course there is no miracle cure. This is a simple and healthy treatment that you should follow every day. Sometimes the smallest things lead to the best results, especially when it comes to caring plants. But what do we mean by “caring plants”?


It is one of the best plants in the fight against belly fat. According to experts, this plant is precisely the part of the plant that has slimming effects. You can find dandelion root in health food stores, and it really works. In addition to effectively cleansing the liver and kidneys, it also stimulates urine production. This in turn reduces inflammation in the abdominal area, regulates blood sugar and speeds up metabolism. Absolutely gorgeous!

Fresh, crushed ginger

You probably already know about the wonderful, fat- and slag-removing and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger. In addition to this, according to a study by the University of Maastricht, ginger speeds up the metabolism and helps burn even more fat. Ginger makes you feel full, and enjoying it is a great way to start the day.


Did you know that eating cinnamon is a great way to burn fat and lose weight? In addition to tasting delicious, adding cinnamon to certain foods and beverages is a really effective way to lower blood sugar levels to avoid insulin spikes and drops. Cinnamon also raises body temperature slightly, causing a variety of chemical reactions that boost the metabolism. When your body uses energy to regulate heat, calories burn more efficiently.


Do you like the delicious taste of mint? In terms of its medicinal properties, mint is a great aid for burning fat, stimulating digestive functions and speeding up digestion. It also promotes the function of the gallbladder, accelerating the formation of bile.

How is this treatment made?

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All you need are the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon dandelion root
  • 1 tablespoon fresh, grated ginger
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 3.5 dl of water
  • 2 tablespoons honey


flat stomach

This is an easy to make drink that you should enjoy three times a day, three days a week. The first dose should be taken as soon as you wake up before breakfast. Drink it warm on an empty stomach. It is important that all ingredients are fresh. These plants can be found almost anywhere, making them easy to obtain. However, make sure that you use the dandelion specifically for its root, because as we said before, it is the best of the plant parts for weight loss.

The next dose should be taken after lunch to help digestion and remove toxins from the body. Enjoy the third and final dose just before bedtime. Remember to always enjoy the drink warm so that it is not too cold or too hot.

In addition to all the other effects the drink offers, the combination of honey, mint and ginger will help you sleep better. This drink is not only a great help in reducing fat, it is also a great way to take care of your body and digestive well-being anyway.

Making a drink is simple. Just combine all the ingredients in 3.5 deciliters of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Then allow it to cool for ten minutes, then pour it into a glass container where it should cool to room temperature. Drink one-third of your drink three times a day, and repeat this routine three times a week for best results.

As you know, of course, you should combine this treatment with a balanced diet that does not contain harmful fats. Also, don’t forget the importance of daily exercise, whether it’s just a 30-minute walk at a brisk pace. If you do all this together with your friend, it will become even easier.

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