9 Healthy Habits That Take 5 Minutes

Adding these healthy habits to your daily routine will give you more well-being, and you’ll get more energy to face the day with better mind and confidence.
9 healthy habits that take 5 minutes

If you want to live a healthier life and achieve this goal easily, read what are the 9 healthy ways we suggest that will only take a small moment of your daily time!

Whenever you talk about a healthy lifestyle, strenuous activities such as running, restricting your eating, or waking up earlier may come to mind.

However, living in a healthier way doesn’t mean you have to suffer,  give up numerous things, or make big changes. All that is required is to develop an awareness that you need to feel better.

You may also be surprised by this information:  sometimes small changes bring about big internal changes  that can increase well-being and create a better balance.

This time, we suggest something very easy for you: 9 healthy habits, each of which only takes you 5 minutes of your day.

This will allow you to prolong your life – something worth trying!

1. Fruit for breakfast

Sometimes you may not have time to eat a decent breakfast, or you may want something sweeter, such as coffee and donuts, and then you’re already out the door.

However, this is not enough nutrition, and it is certain that in half an hour you will be hungry and your head will ache. The first healthy lifestyle we’ll list is eating fruit at breakfast.

Fruits are rich in phytochemicals, nutrients, vitamins and fiber – and numerous other healthy ingredients. They give a good feeling of satiety, so don’t think twice about eating an apple, a pear, a lemon juice, grapes, or any other seasonal fruit – and repeat this every day.

2. Plan your day properly

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to your mind is perhaps your duty:  “I have to do this, buy this, send this, get all these things done…”.

We all know that responsibilities are part of daily routines and need to be well planned. However, it is also important to think about what you deserve. “I deserve to rest for a few hours at the end of the day.” “I deserve to be calm and relax at some point in my day.”

So keep this in mind: try to plan your day so that you have a  balance between responsibilities and your own personal space and needs.


3. Stretch for 5 minutes

Find a moment in your day that you can stretch for 5 minutes. This is a small investment in time and your body will appreciate it greatly.

  • Sit in a chair with your back straight.
  • Slowly rotate your head first in one direction, and then in the other.
  • Then lift one shoulder and make small rotating movements. Then repeat the same on the other shoulder.

Very easy and very relaxing!

4. Move for 5 minutes

Your body needs movement. Maybe now you’re thinking, “But I’m already doing everything all day long!”

Nonetheless,  your body needs aerobic exercise  – so standing up all day or shopping doesn’t mean you’ve got enough exercise.

  • Walk up the stairs.
  • Walk fast.
  • Dance for 5 minutes.

5. One healthy purchase a day

This is one of the best healthy lifestyles we can implement every day. Make one shopping every day to promote your health. This is a step-by-step process of internalizing the fact that you need to eat better, that is, healthier.

  • Instead of buying white bread, buy whole grain products.
  • Instead of buying a carbonated drink, choose tap water.
  • If you want something sweet, buy fruit.
  • When you go home, check out the shops along the way, and visit a store that specializes in organic vegetables. These products are produced in a healthier way.

6. Give yourself a small gift – Give yourself pleasure

Maybe you’re the type of person who enjoys taking care of others. You may always come home with some surprise for your kids or partner.

These are noble and positive habits, but think about it a little more –  when was the last time you gave yourself something pleasurable? This, too, only takes 5 minutes of your day.

  • Buy yourself something small that you will enjoy and that will make you happy: a book, a dress or even music.
  • Buy ice cream, a drink or a cup of coffee at your favorite café.
  • Take off your shoes and walk to the beach. Let your feet feel the heat of the sand and the moisture of the sea.


9 healthy ways: a moment to pamper

7. Practice self-confidence – say what you think

One of the healthiest ways we can practice on a daily basis is sincerity, telling the truth, and setting boundaries. In this way, we can protect ourselves from people who are selfish and who bring us negative energy.

A little at a time, you will find that what is positive for your health and to increase your well-being is also compatible with what you feel, think, and do.

8. Hug someone you love

This tip will do a lot for your health, and it is so useful that you can let the hug last more than 5 minutes without hindrance.

There is no reason not to do this. Hugging strengthens ties with others, and it  reduces stress, increases well-being, and improves a person’s self-esteem.


a couple of hugs

9. Take a hot shower

There is no better way to end the day than taking a hot shower – it only takes 5 minutes, and this way you can remove toxic substances, relax your muscles and reduce tension. Through it, you can relax yourself after a hard day’s work.

As you can see, these habits are very easy to implement and require little sacrifice – only willpower and a clear desire to be better.

Do you want to start improving your well-being today? Try these 9 healthy ways and notice the difference from the former!

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