Nocturnal Reflux: How To Prevent It

Nocturnal reflux can make it harder to sleep, but fortunately it is possible to curb it with lifestyle changes. Get the best tips from this article!
Nocturnal reflux: this is how you prevent it

Nocturnal reflux plagues thousands of people who are constantly looking for ways to prevent it. Although reflux can occur at any time of the day, for many it is more common at night and can actually cause sleep disorders.

Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is caused by weakening of the esophageal sphincter. Weakened sphincter allows stomach acids to rise to the esophagus and even the mouth. As a result, the patient feels an unpleasant burning sensation or irritation, often accompanied by chest pain and difficulty swallowing.

Fortunately, the ailment is mild in most cases and does not lead to any more serious complications. Nevertheless, efforts should be made to prevent it by all possible means, as it can be detrimental to both sleep and quality of life in general.

Below are some tips to help make nocturnal reflux easier.

Why do I suffer from nocturnal reflux?

Several different factors are associated with an increase in reflux at night. First, it is associated with eating heavy and irritating foods in the evening, especially just before bedtime. Because this makes it difficult to digest and the body is lying down at night, the tone of the esophageal sphincter decreases and the acids rise back into the esophagus and mouth. The same thing happens if you drink very hot drinks before going to bed or going to bed.

Smokers, stressful people and those wearing tight nightwear also suffer from the problem. Indeed, first aid for reflux is to improve the quality of life by correcting harmful habits that cause or exacerbate reflux.

Reflux causes burning

Ways to avoid nocturnal reflux

There are several ways to prevent nocturnal reflux if the problem is bad or suffers repeatedly. The following recommendations may be helpful, but it is always important to determine the cause of reflux symptoms with your doctor.

Avoid eating before going to bed

While you should not go to bed without eating dinner, it should not be eaten just before going to bed.

It is best to enjoy a light dinner two or three hours before bedtime. This calms the acid production in the stomach before going to bed.

Limit your intake of irritating foods

Foods that increase acid production can worsen reflux, which is why it is recommended to limit the intake of, for example, tomatoes, caffeine, cold cuts, deep-fried foods, spicy foods and alcoholic beverages, especially in the evening.

Prevent nocturnal reflux by raising the end of the bed

One of the best ways to keep nocturnal reflux under control is to sleep with your upper body slightly elevated. The end of the bed should be raised slightly. Thus, when lying down, the stomach and throat are at the same height, which keeps the acids where they are supposed to be.

Sleep on the left side

Nocturnal reflux can interfere with sleep

Sleeping on the left side may reduce nocturnal reflux. For anatomical reasons,  sleeping on the right side exposes the esophagus more easily to stomach acids, causing reflux.

Nocturnal reflux is controlled by dropping weight

Overweight and obese people should drop their weight to curb reflux. As fat accumulates around the abdomen, stomach pressure increases and acids rise more easily into the esophagus.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

People with reflux should not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, as these habits may make their symptoms worse.

Wear loose clothing

For your own comfort and health, it is best to wear loose clothing while sleeping. Too tight nightwear can increase the pressure inside the abdomen, causing the acids to rise up into the esophagus.

Keep stress under control

Stress control not only helps keep nocturnal reflux under control, it also improves sleep quality. To do this, relaxation methods such as meditation, yoga and reading books are recommended.

Go to the doctor

If symptoms persist or worsen despite these recommendations, it is best to see a doctor to determine the cause of the discomfort and the best form of treatment.

Nocturnal reflux: medications

In addition to following the recommendations in this article, you can try to relieve the discomfort caused by nocturnal reflux with heartburn medications such as Gaviscon. Gaviscon is a medicine manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare. Its dual-acting effect forms a protective layer in the stomach, which prevents acids from rising into the esophagus, while quickly neutralizing excess stomach acids from the stomach. This prevents burning. Read Gaviscon’s instructions for use and ask your pharmacist for advice.

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