These 7 Fruits Will Help You Lose Weight

Eating fruit is absolutely essential for good health, but some fruits can also be an effective and natural aid in weight loss.
These 7 fruits will help you lose weight

Weight loss with fruit, is it good for the body?

Eating fruit is absolutely essential for good health, but some fruits can also be an effective and natural aid in weight loss.

So in this article, we’ll talk about how to lose weight with fruit, and the fruits you should add to your daily diet. If you follow our guidelines, you will quickly notice how they help you lose weight in a balanced way. This way, you will not lose energy or vitality, and you will remove excess fluid, fat and toxic substances from your body.


This citrus fruit is  an excellent blood purifier and will also help you burn excess fat from your body. People who suffer from heartburn can also safely eat lemon, because although it is an acidic fruit, lemon has properties that are able to alkalize acidity when it ends up in the stomach.

We recommend drinking a lemon-containing liquid before breakfast and generally throughout the day. In addition, especially with fatty meals, it is good to eat lemon in some form.

lemon water in a jug


Grapefruit is great if weight loss with fruit is a suitable form of weight loss for you, as it helps prevent fluid from accumulating in your body. In addition to this, grapefruit cleanses your body, takes care of the condition of the liver and dissolves fat.

You can eat grapefruit on its own or freshly squeezed juice, and if its bitter taste isn’t on your mind, you can use a little stevia as a sweetener.

You can also enjoy grapefruit in  the form of essential oil, and this is handy especially when the season isn’t the best for that fruit. However, be careful that the oil you buy is actually intended for oral consumption. You can enjoy one drop of oil mixed with a small amount of honey or oil, and repeat this every morning.


Due to the large amount of water contained in watermelon, it is a  very satisfying fruit if you are interested in weight loss with fruit as it keeps hunger away by creating a feeling that your stomach is full. It also acts as a great dehydrator. More than 90% of the weight of watermelon is water, and this fruit contains only 20 calories per 100 grams.

Watermelon is high in vitamins C and B as well as potassium. In addition, it contains lycopene, a pigment that helps prevent cancer.

It is important not to eat watermelon with meals or as a dessert. Due to the amount of sugar and water it contains, watermelon does not promote digestion in these situations – it actually does the opposite and causes your body to gain more weight. We therefore recommend that you eat watermelon before breakfast or between meals, and without other foods. So don’t combine watermelon with other foods to get the most out of it in your weight loss.

You can eat it whole or in smoothies, and it’s a good idea to add a little lemon juice, for example. Don’t throw away the watermelon seeds as they are actually a useful nutrient too.

watermelon in a pan


Berries such as  raspberries, blackberries and blueberries  are very useful fruits as they contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, these berries are able to regulate the amount of sodium in the body and contain anthocyanin, which  promotes the processing of sugar and fat. Therefore, they are essential products when you want to lose weight without making sacrifices that are detrimental to your health.

To make the most of these berries, we recommend that you eat them in the morning or afternoon, and the same guide applies to eating strawberries. In addition to fresh berries, you can find these fruits dried and frozen, or alternatively you can buy jams and juices with no added sugar.


Many people perceive apples as boring products, but they are actually one of the healthiest fruits. It is therefore recommended to eat one apple every day. If you buy organically produced apples, also eat their peel as it will help your body burn fat due to the uric acid it contains. Apples also have a large amount of fiber and can be eaten in many ways: raw, fried or even boiled (you can also add a little cinnamon to the water, for example).

red apples


Pears contain two substances that are essential for weight loss and act as antioxidants: catechins and flavonoids. These substances fight fluid build-up and help you remove toxic substances and fat from your body.

For example, you can eat just pears for dinner for one full week if you just take good care of a balanced diet during those days. You will quickly notice how you lose weight. You can also try eating pears and pear juice alone for one full day, and repeat this every two weeks.


Papaya is a tasty and exotic fruit that is  high in fiber and water and also low in calories. Papaya helps to repair protein processing in the digestive tract.  We recommend that you start the day with a decent piece of fresh papaya, or that you also drink this fruit in smoothies, to which you can add, for example, a few seeds. This is a great way to fight intestinal parasites – such problems often cause an increase in appetite. Papaya is also high in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and vitamins A, E, and K. Weight loss with fruit is more successful if the fruit is tasty and papaya is a favorite of many.

The photos are from the following sources: DorteF, robbplusjessie and tom Gill.

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