Depression And Anxiety Show Strength

Emotional problems are not anyone’s choice, and no one wants to go through depression or struggle with anxiety. They are the result of complex situations and circumstances.

There is a misconception that depression and anxiety are signs of weakness and cripple for the rest of your life. However, this is not true. A person with anxiety, depression, or a combination of these is not a crazy, powerless, weak, or bad person.

It is sad and exhausting to fight, but this is a social reality that cannot be ignored. Despite the advancement of science, the prevailing perception in modern society is that emotional and psychological problems are equal to weakness and vulnerability.

Depression and anxiety are conditions that are not considered wounds in need of healing. You often hear comments like this: “Relax,” “things aren’t so bad now,” “you shouldn’t always worry in life,” “you have no reason to cry,” or “it’s just a normal thing to grow into an adult”.

Does all this sound familiar? If you answer yes, you may have been at both ends of these comments. It is therefore important to raise awareness of depression and anxiety and to give emotional pain the attention it deserves.

depression and anxiety

So just as you wouldn’t ignore abdominal pain or migraines,  you shouldn’t ignore emotional pain.

We cannot assume that these emotional wounds will heal on their own. Work needs to be done with them, and their importance needs to be unearthed.

It may be that you need to see a psychologist to get help and strategies to deal with the extreme emotional pain  that causes your own anxiety and depression.

Let’s continue our comparison: it can be said that just as you would stop using dairy products, if you find yourself lactose intolerant,  you need to avoid the thoughts and conditions that aggravate your emotional wound.

Patches are not the right help – you need to cleanse and improve your feelings.

Thus, in this article, we give advice to people with these types of wounds to make it easier to get emotions under control. So let’s take a closer look!

depression and anxiety

Anxiety is like a bad roller coaster

The emotions that come with anxiety are similar to those that a person would experience with a roller coaster ride that is really scary.

Imagine yourself in this situation: you spend a day at an amusement park and go on a popular roller coaster. To get on the track, you have to wait a long time before it’s your turn.

It’s a hot day and the sun burns brutally on your head, causing pain and physical discomfort. You’re tired and don’t want to go on a roller coaster, but you go anyway because your intention is to have fun.

Once you’re on the track, your heart starts hacking, everything spins, the carriages spin 360 degrees more than once. You get into gloomy tunnels and the balloons fly towards you as if they were attacking.

from depression and anxiety to escape

Your breathing will accelerate and your heart will continue to beat hard. You feel like something is collapsing at any moment. Your feelings are in a knot, your chest tightens, you can’t move, and you can’t do anything.

You cannot avoid negative thinking. You cry, cry, and complain, but no one hears you, not even yourself. You desperately ask yourself when this will end, and you will feel like you are dying.

However, you cannot slow down your carriage, as it will only stop when the end of the roller coaster is reached.

In this sense, anxiety is like a bad roller coaster ride. It will end in the end, but you don’t know when or how you will. Controlling yourself during this uncertainty is complicated.

anxious and depressed

Depression is the gloom of the soul

Anyone who suffers from depression feels everything is wrapped in darkness. And gradually this darkness will take over your environment, and there is nothing that will motivate or encourage you. There’s a great job behind getting yourself to go to school or work, and you feel extremely sad or irritated.

Depression is the last straw that is too much already in complex situations and circumstances that have left a deep mark on you and made you feel restless.

It is important that you understand that if something goes wrong you should turn to a professional to get support and an emotional understanding of what is happening to you.

Emotional problems are not the choice. A person with depression doesn’t say, “I want to feel bad as well as swim in the sea of ​​grief and try Can I drown there”. Depression is not about that. In fact, it can come in front of any of us.

Woman behind the window

Depression and anxiety can affect anyone

Depression and anxiety are signs of strength, not weakness.  These emotional problems do not occur overnight, but arise as a result of life’s intolerance, emotional difficulties, and exhaustion.

Nor are they personal choices. We do not decide that we are now experiencing depression or anxiety. Both emotional problems come from fighting life’s problems and trying to stay strong for too long.

We cannot forget this, for  no one is beyond the reach of anxiety or depression to come before them at some point in life, either directly or indirectly.

So spread awareness for a better understanding of these problems, and most importantly, never judge.

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