Bread And Olive Oil: The Perfect Combination

Did you know that starting the day with a slice of bread with olive oil gives your body plenty of nutrients and even fights constipation? Read what the benefits of this superfood are and check out great recipes you can try at home!
Bread and olive oil: the perfect combination

Bread and olive oil are the breakfast choices of many people. It is a staple food in the Mediterranean diet that has spread around the world, and of course we love it!

OK… But is this diet really that healthy? Doesn’t it cause weight gain? Is it worth eating every single day this way?

The answer to these questions is very simple: you can eat bread and olive oil without worry, as it is a healthy food that also improves physical and mental performance.

Here are five reasons why you should also include a piece of wholemeal bread and a tablespoon of olive oil in your breakfast if you haven’t already.

Bread and olive oil: 5 reasons to eat them every day

If you don’t have a lot of time in the morning, don’t worry: a slice of bread with olive oil, fruit and coffee can be a great savior for a busy morning.

If you’re hungry again at noon or want to eat something healthy when you get home from work, you can still take advantage of this great option.

However, it’s important to remember a few simple rules:

  • Always choose extra virgin olive oil.
  • Avoid wheat bread or bread made from white flour.
  • Always look for more natural alternatives, such as rye bread or bread made from oats, seeds, whole grain, etc.

Remember, this does not mean that you should eat bread with olive oil at every meal. Make sure you keep a healthy balance: a slice or two a day is the right amount.

Next, we’ll explain why this food does you so good.

1. It is a complete diet that does not fatten

grain bread

In addition to being a delicious combination, bread and olive oil also provide important nutrients for health.

One slice contains carbohydrates and vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9 as well as iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium … And no saturated fat!

2. It is good for heart health

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil are good fats that help to avoid so-called “bad” cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol.

One of the greatest benefits of bread and olive oil is vitamin E. It helps fight atherosclerosis and regulate blood pressure.

3. To aid digestion and constipation

Poor digestion, flatulence, hyperacidity and even constipation may be relieved if you eat a little bread with olive oil every day.

It lowers the production of stomach acids and optimizes intestinal function. This tasty combination can even be said to be a mild laxative worth taking as part of the first meal of the day.

4. Fights depression

Olive oil contains polyphenols. This special monounsaturated fatty acid relieves inflammation, improves well-being and raises endorphin levels.

It feels good because the body feels good: the heart works optimally and cell oxidation is reduced.

If you want to start your day energetic and well-being, enjoy a slice of bread with olive oil. It is delicious!

5. Bread and olive oil cleanse the liver

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like to start the day with a glass of water and lemon juice, you can opt for bread and olive oil instead.

This helps cleanse the liver and gallbladder. It has an excellent combination of antioxidants and vitamin E that optimize the liver’s function and improve its ability to cleanse itself.

A slice of bread consumed daily with olive oil is also a very healthy help for people with fatty liver.

Healthy ways to eat bread with olive oil



This healthy and tasty combination can be enjoyed in a number of different ways by adding other ingredients that further enhance its properties.

Let’s look at a few simple options:

Option 1

  • Toast a slice of rye or oat bread.
  • Crush the clove of garlic and spread it on the toasted bread. Then add a drop of olive oil.

Option 2

  • Take a whole loaf.
  • Make several incisions along the surface, but do not split.
  • Add olive oil, garlic and parsley to the incisions  .
  • Bake for a few minutes.

Option 3

  • Toast a slice of bread.
  • Add half the tomato and olive oil.
  • Add a little salt.

Option 4

  • Take a slice of bread.
  • Add a little olive oil.
  • Chop the nuts and sprinkle them on the bread.
  • Add a little white pepper.
  • Toast a little.

Option 5

  • Toast a slice of bread.
  • Add a little oregano, crushed tomato and a little olive oil.

Finally, remember that adding too much salt to any of the above options is never good.


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