The Best Way To Preserve Aloe Vera Gel

When removing gel from aloe Vera plants at home, one of the biggest challenges is getting the excess gel stored effectively. Did you know that there are ways to store a gel without losing its healing properties?
The best way to preserve aloe Vera gel

Aloe vera has become a very popular plant in recent decades as its many uses in alternative medicine and beauty care have been invented.

The gel inside the leaves of aloe vera contains important nutrients that can be used both internally and externally.

In fact, many pharmacies and cosmetics companies use aloe Vera extract as an active ingredient in their products. However, most people prefer to use aloe vera in its natural form, as it is the best way to get the most out of the plant.

The biggest downside to this is that you  may not always use all the gel you collect, thus wasting large amounts of it. But luckily there are some ingenious ways to preserve aloe vera gel and make it last longer!

Today we want to share with you some of these preservatives so you can put them into practice the next time you need to use an aloe vera plant.

Preservation with honey

aloe Vera gel can be preserved with honey

Because honey is rich in natural sugar, it is a product that never really ages. Low water content is another reason for its long shelf life, just like with fruit jams and syrups.

In this case, you can use honey without any problems, as it is compatible with the composition of aloe vera and its properties.

What do you need to do?

  • After scraping the gel off the aloe vera leaf, rinse off the yellow liquid that comes with the gel from time to time.
  • Mix the gel with the same amount of honey.
  • Use this mixture on smoothies, tea, face masks, etc.

Store aloe Vera gel in the freezer

Store aloe vera in the freezer

Storing aloe Vera gel in the frost is another great way to make it last longer.

This way you can preserve most of the benefits of the gel, and it is also a great natural first aid kit.

What do you need to do?

  • First, select the desired magazine size.
  • Then split the outer layer of the leaf using a sharp knife and be careful not to hit the spike.
  • Using a spoon, remove the jelly-like mass from inside the leaf and place it in an ice cube mold.
  • You can shape the mass of the ice cube mold into pieces in the shape of your fingers.
  • Store the ice cube mold in the freezer and remove one piece from it whenever you need aloe vera.


  • To increase the shelf life of Aloe Vera gel and enhance its effects, add half the lime juice to the ice cube mold. Use a few drops of juice on each piece.
  • You can also add a vitamin E capsule, especially if you plan to use the substance to treat your skin, nails or hair.

Store aloe Vera gel with vitamin C.

You can store aloe vera in a glass jar

When you add vitamin C to aloe Vera gel, you can store aloe Vera gel for up to a month in the refrigerator.

The best part is that this remedy helps to enhance the natural antioxidant and revitalizing effects of aloe Vera gel.

What do you need to do?

  • With a knife, cut through the aloe vera leaf along both sides: starting from the tip and passing next to the spikes.
  • Swim the leaf in the water for 24 hours. Change the water twice.
  • This treatment helps to remove a yellow fluid called aloin, which can be toxic and irritate the skin.
  • Remove the gel from the leaf with a spoon.
  • Put the gel in a blender that also has a vitamin C tablet and a teaspoon of wheat germ oil.
  • Stir for a few seconds and pour the liquid into a glass jar.
  • You will first notice a layer of foam on top of the liquid, but it will disappear after a few days.
  • Put the lid on and store the jar in the refrigerator.
  • Always use a small amount of the substance to prepare the treatment you want.

As you can see, these three simple ways make storing extra aloe vera easy. 

Start storing aloe vera today and stop wasting the plant’s great benefits.

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