6 Benefits Of Eating Alfalfa

Alfalfa can help improve overall health. It’s full of iron. Thus, it is an ideal aid for anemia and iron deficiency.
6 Benefits of eating alpha

Alfalfa, or alfalfa, is a pea plant that is often used as fodder. However, due to its nutritional value, it has also gained popularity in cooking and is also useful in a medical sense.

Man can use all parts of this plant:

  • Flowers are used for tea.
  • The leaves are used for alpha juice, among other things.
  • The shoots are delicious in a salad.
  • The roots help control fever in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Moist, ground seeds relieve annoying insect bites.

What features does it have?

In other words, alfalfa is a perfect food because it contains:

  • Vitamin A, which helps the lungs and heart to function properly.
  • Minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron and selenium) that are essential for vital bodily functions.
  • Vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect and is essential for the formation of collagen.
  • Protein. Some studies say that alfalfa may be helpful in fighting some types of cancer.
  • Vitamin K, which is invaluable in blood clotting.

What are the benefits of using it regularly?

In addition to its nutritional benefits, adding alpha alpha to your diet offers the following health benefits:

1. Alfalfa strengthens the immune system


This food stimulates the immune system and optimizes its ability to react against viruses and bacteria.

Eating alpha sprouts is the best way to enhance its benefits, as you also get glucosinolates that fight cancer.

2. Cleanses the body

Due to its urinary and digestive system regulating properties, the use of alpha alpha is an ideal way to get rid of body toxins. It also helps treat kidney problems and stomach ulcers.

3. Prevents anemia

tired woman

In addition to its nutritional properties, alfalfa not only helps prevent iron deficiency anemia , but it also fights it because it contains a lot of iron.

4. Relieves menopausal symptoms

This is because the phytoestrogens in alpha-alpha increase the level of estrogen in the body. Its use is also recommended to avoid menstrual cramps.

5. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

the heart changes hands

According to a 2008 study, a diet that includes alpha alfa on a regular basis can help reduce arterial bad cholesterol (LDL).

6. Improves skin health

This food is perfect for beautiful and radiant skin as it contains a lot of antioxidants and coumarins. In addition, it helps fight cellulite.

How do you add alpha alpha to your diet?

alfalfa lunch

Alpha leaves can be cooked and eaten with green plants such as spinach and chard. You can also make delicious and refreshing juices from it. You can use any part of it.


  • 75 g of alpha leaves and shoots
  • ½ lemon juice
  • 1 liter of water
  • Honey (to give flavor)


  • Blender


  • Put the alpha leaf leaves and lemon with water in a blender.
  • Stir for three minutes. Add the honey and stir again.
  • Serve and enjoy.

Alfalfan shoots are also a good option for making salads or as ingredients for sandwiches. Plant them at home if you can’t find them at your local store.


  • Container at least 9 cm wide and 15 cm high
  • A thin cloth to cover the dish
  • Rubber band
  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon alpha seeds


  • Put the seeds in a container and let them soak for three hours.
  • Cover the container with a cloth and rubber band.
  • Strain the water and put the container in the sun.
  • Continue for a week. Move the pot from time to time to prevent the shoots from tangling together.
  • Rinse and disinfect before use.

When should you not eat alpha alpha?

Despite all its benefits, there are cases where it is better to avoid the use of alpha alpha:

  • Do not eat it during pregnancy or breastfeeding as it interferes with estrogen production.
  • It is not recommended for use at the same time as blood thinners.
  • Its use is not recommended in patients with autoimmune disease.
  • People with gout or high uric acid should stop eating alpha alpha because of its high purine content.

Always remember to talk to a specialist before using any treatment if you suffer from an illness or are hesitant to eat alpha or any other food.

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