3 Homemade Exfoliators For Blackhead Removal

When considering these home treatments to exfoliate your skin and banish blackheads, keep in mind your own skin type. If your skin is very sensitive, you may need a more gentle option.
3 homemade exfoliators for removing blackheads

Blackheads are harmless and appear when fat accumulates in the pores of the skin, which then gradually hardens over time. The part that remains visible from the accumulated fat is oxidized by air and turns black. This is usually a bit aesthetically uncomfortable, but luckily there are a variety of homemade exfoliators to remove blackheads.

Keep reading and take the following exfoliating treatments to help if it bothers you – get rid of blackheads in a  completely natural way!

Why and for whom do blackheads develop?

get rid of blackheads

Everyone has had blackheads on their skin at some point in their lives, so there’s nothing weird about this. What you should focus on are the marks that blackheads leave, especially on the skin of the face.

The problem is that many people have large skin pores. In addition, some have very oily skin, and this is something that increases the development of blackheads.

As the skin ages,  it becomes more susceptible to certain diseases. In addition, if skin cleansing is not accurate and consistent, blackheads will result and make the situation worse.

Hormones have their own effect as they stimulate cells and this can result in blackheads.

Homemade exfoliators to remove blackheads

This time, we want to introduce three awesome homemade exfoliators to get rid of blackheads. The ingredients needed for them are guaranteed to be found in almost everyone’s home, so you really don’t have to spend large sums of money on these recipes.

Homemade treatment to peel the skin deeply

If you have never cleaned your skin properly, you may want to start by exfoliating. This is one of the most profound skin treatments and will help greatly when you want to get rid of blackheads.

However, it does not need to be done more than once a week. Otherwise, exfoliation can actually be detrimental to the well-being of the skin.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 lemon juice

Do this

  • Combine the ingredients to create a smooth mixture.
  • Wash your face with warm water and  apply the cream to the skin in a circular motion.
  • Move your fingers in all directions in the area with the most blackheads.

At the same time, it is good to remember these tips:

  • Do not apply very strong pressure to your face.
  • You can switch to baking soda for sugar, but this will give you a slightly rougher mixture that can damage your skin. This treatment is suitable for the task only if the mixture is very even.
  • It is advisable to exfoliate each facial area so that you continue to massage for four minutes. This will get rid of impurities on your skin, and you can say goodbye to dead skin cells.

Paper towels and egg white for blackhead removal


You will need paper or face towels and one egg for this treatment. However, you will only use the egg in the egg.

  • First, wash your face with warm water. Warm water helps the skin pores to open, which increases the effectiveness of blackhead removal. It is important that the face is completely washed of fat  so that the egg white can adhere well to the blackheads.
  • Put the protein all over your face using rotating motions. Only focus on areas where you want to remove blackheads.
  • Then put a paper towel on your face, and put another layer of protein on top of the paper. The paper should absorb the protein.
  • Wait until the material dries. Then remove the face towel or paper from your skin.
  • Just like magic, you can now notice that many of your blackheads are stuck on dry paper.

Tomato and yogurt for removing blackheads

tomato for removing blackheads

We chose tomato for this article because it has antiseptic properties. This plant can be plucked, chopped and juiced.

Yogurt helps moisturize and it also removes fat from the face.

  • Mix the ingredients together, then rub the mixture on the skin of your face.
  • Take a few minutes to give your skin a massage that has two effects: it helps get rid of blackheads, but in addition , the nutrients in the mask get properly into your skin.

Try to continue this for  half an hour so that you can rub your face properly with the useful ingredients of the mask.

Do you have these dark spots on your skin too, and would you like to get rid of them? If you want to get rid of blackheads by natural means , try these simple skin peeling treatments – they are inexpensive yet effective solutions to this very common aesthetic dilemma.

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