7 Factors That Can Advance Menopause

Although young people usually do not yet have to worry about menopause, sometimes they can also show up prematurely. To reduce this risk, you should follow a healthy lifestyle and have regular medical check-ups.
7 factors that can advance menopause

Menopause means that a woman’s menstruation stops and she is no longer able to get pregnant. This is associated with hormonal changes in women aged 45-55 years. However, many factors can adversely affect women’s reproductive organs and thus advance menopause.

Signs of menopause can start appearing before the age of 40. It shows up as irregular menstruation until they stop completely.

Because of these changes, menopause increases the risk of certain chronic illnesses, mental disorders, and other symptoms that affect quality of life.

Although early menopause can be caused by a genetic disease, in many cases they are the result of some factors that affect hormones.

Read more about them in this article.

1. Smoking can advance menopause

Smoking can advance menopause

Women who smoke or are exposed to tobacco smoke have an increased risk of early menopause compared to non-smokers.

Tobacco contains chemicals that weaken the ovaries and embryos and increase the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

These alter the action of estrogen and luteinizing hormone, which contributes to premature menopause.

2. Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland has its own functions in many vital functions of the body. This gland is very important for the production and use of hormones.

When a problem occurs in this gland, it increases the risk of premature menopause and reproductive health problems.

Hypothyroidism can cause symptoms of early menopause, such as lack of menstruation, mood swings, and hot flashes.

3. Surgery can bring forward menopause

Various surgeries can bring forward menopause

Women who undergo certain types of surgery are more prone to early menopause.

Removal of the ovary or uterus lowers the amount of estrogen and luteinizing hormone, which speeds up the end of the fertile life.

Removal of both ovaries triggers menopause immediately. Early menopause can also be a side effect of cervical cancer surgery or pelvic surgery.

4. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can sometimes start menopause early

These two cancer treatments can advance menopause. They inhibit the growth of harmful cells, but also destroy healthy cells, which in some cases can damage the ovaries.

5. Eating processed meats

Processed meats affect hormonal function

Many side effects of eating processed meat can also include early menopause.

This kind of meat may look and taste delicious, but it has a lot of chemicals called nitrates and nitrites that can cause hormonal problems.

It has also been found that eating processed meat affects metabolic health, which in turn affects menopause.

6. Autoimmune diseases can advance menopause

Autoimmune diseases can advance menopause

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by abnormal production and use of antibodies in the body. This causes the body to attack healthy tissues.

Autoimmune diseases also adversely affect ovarian health and estrogen receptors. This causes many problems with reproductive health and often premature menopause.

Here are some autoimmune diseases:

  • Vitiligo aka Valkopälvi
  • Anemia
  • Redhead
  • Sjögren’s syndrome
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

7. Use of beauty and hygiene products

The chemicals in perfumes can contribute to the development of hormonal disorders

Many regulations try to stop the use of harmful ingredients in beauty and hygiene products. But these substances are still present in some store products.

Their absorption or continuous inhalation may affect the development of thyroid or hormonal disorders.

For example, shampoos, scented soaps, and certain beauty products contain phthalates, which can advance menopause.

Unfortunately, these chemicals are also present in perfumes, hair gels and rinses.

Are you worried about the effects of menopause? Although young people usually do not yet have to worry about menopause, they can also show up prematurely. To reduce this risk, you should follow a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular medical check-ups.

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