Eternal Victim – A Person Who Always Complains

Being a chronic victim creates a distorted picture of reality. Such a person always manages to find a cause for all the things that happen to him.
Eternal victim - a person who always complains

At some point in their lives, everyone has certainly taken on the role of victim. But then what happens if this role becomes part of a person’s personality? What happens if we complain all the time?

In this case, the person suffers from being a chronic victim . We’ll cover this in more detail below, so keep reading and remove the negative impact of these people from your own life, if any have happened to you, or you may notice these traits in yourself and want to get rid of them.

Chronic victim and pessimism

A person who sees himself as a victim is unhappy and pessimistic. Everything is dark then, and that person believes that only bad things are happening to him. He feels that bad luck follows him just about anywhere. In such a case, it is a chronic victim.

woman and cloud

The problem, however, is that this is not true, as the chronic victim has a distorted picture of reality.


Namely, a person who complains about everything and always sees life in a way that does not correspond to reality. His pessimistic attitude and belief that all evil always happens to him brings about this distorted view.

Everyone has had hard times in their lives, and as you read this now, you may be wondering if you may be such a chronic victim yourself. Chronic victim self-experience builds up over time and is an attitude toward life.

However, if you go through a dark or mournful period in your life, this does not automatically mean that you will become a chronic victim.

Pessimistic people and chronic victims are nourished by negative emotions. And even worse, they not only blame others for their own accidents, but have attitudes of contempt, aggression, intolerance, and even violence.

Typical features of a chronic victim

If you are now unsure whether you are a chronic victim yourself, or if someone close to you suffers from this disorder, the characteristics that best describe this personality type will be considered next.

Distorted picture of reality

Those people who are chronic victims believe that everything happens to them because of another person. Because of this, they are never responsible for their own actions, but always blame others.

The problem is that a distorted picture of reality only makes a person feel worse, because then he believes he does not have the ability to change his own situation.

sad woman

He gets nourishment from complaining

Complaining and lamenting are food for the chronic victim. With each complaint, he manages to get the attention of others as well as become the center of attention, which makes him feel important.

The worst part about this is that  he never asks for help or tries to pull himself out of a situation he doesn’t like. His way of doing things is simply complaining.

The goal is to find the culprit

All victims look for a guilty party to  whom they could blame their own problems for which they themselves do not want to be responsible. They believe that others are motivated by their own interests, and that people just take advantage of others.

However, a person with such an image does not realize that he himself invented this lie, nor does he realize that he actually enjoys it.

Lack of self-criticism

At this point, it is probably already clear that being a chronic victim makes a person  incapable of having a good idea of ​​themselves. So as a chronic victim, you are unable to understand that there is something wrong with yourself, or that you could heal something in yourself.

Bad things and negative energy are created by others, and these are not under the control of such a person. He’s just a victim of something he himself can’t stop.

Manipulation and emotional tightening

The chronic victim is an expert in how  situations and people are managed in order to achieve their own goals. He knows that being a victim turns things to his own advantage.

This is why it is important to be aware that a  pessimistic person uses emotional blackmail to make him or her look even more like a victim in any situation. He enjoys his bad attitude and  gets nourishment from his own grief, accusing others of feeling important.

woman with pink hair


You should learn to work with this type of person in a way that you can neutralize his or her behavior. That way, negative emotions don’t overwhelm you. A chronic victim is a toxic person who poisons you regardless of whether you believe this to happen or not.

If you have the opportunity to remove a chronic victim from your life, do it!

Remember, you don’t deserve someone else to tear down your happiness with their complaints and criticism. They are the result of such a person’s own distorted perception of reality and his  attempt to become a martyr.

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