Body Cleansing Incubators: 4 Recipes

Toxic substances can accumulate in the body for many reasons. In order to get rid of all the harmful waste in your body, you should enjoy stews that have effective cleansing effects.
Body cleansing incubators: 4 recipes

Body cleansing incubators improve health, and horsetail, for example, is a very effective aid in combating colds. It is also a natural product that promotes digestion and prevents fluid retention. Now we will tell you which plants are perfect for cleansing the body with incubators.

Body cleansing incubators

In order to do a natural and proper cleansing, you should turn to dehydrating and digestive plants. They should be ingested for up to three weeks in a tube. You can replace the coffee you enjoy with breakfast with these brews.

The baths are made from a spoonful of a medicinal plant and a cup of boiling water. Simmer the drink for 5-10 minutes. You get plenty of antioxidants from them!


Body cleansing incubators: field horsetail

The field card has an effective dehydrating effect.

It is a medicinal plant with many cleansing properties. It can be combined with peppermint, licorice, anise, mint or fennel.

It’s a good idea to use the ingredients in equal amounts to make the stew really effective at removing lung mucus. This drink can also help improve digestive function.

Thyme stew

Body cleansing incubators: thyme

Thyme is a plant that improves liver function and facilitates breathing.

When used in a stew, it is especially recommended for those with poor digestion and those suffering from nervousness. In addition, thyme helps improve gallbladder and liver function and is a great source of antioxidants.

  • Put equal parts of thyme, lemon balm, lime blossom and dill in a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover the stew and let it simmer for about ten minutes.
  • Enjoy.

Strawberry leaf stew


The strawberry leaf stew is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent dehydrating drink.

You can get strawberry leaves to help expel toxins that have accumulated in your body – these can cause some problems such as high uric acid levels and gout.

  • Combine equal amounts of mint, blueberry, widow and strawberry leaves.
  • Enjoy a cup a day.

Back stew


The back improves digestion and has a calming effect on the body.

This brew has dehydrating and cleansing effects, and the back is used a lot in the natural cleansing of the body. You can combine it with plants that help improve digestion and calm nerves.

  • Combine equal parts of spinach, green anise, chamomile, sage leaves and chamomile.
  • Prepare the stew in the same way as the recent one, i.e. the strawberry leaf stew – unlike the previous one, however, you can enjoy this tea 2-3 times a day.

We hope you can enjoy these effective stews if you are naturally interested in body cleansing! They are very energizing and full of antioxidants. Take drinks into your daily routine, but on the other hand, don’t go overboard with them.

While they can help you promote your health and well-being, by no means replace natural medications with any medications prescribed to you, and always abstain from your doctor’s instructions.

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