Nail Fungus Treatment By Natural Means

Cider vinegar has an antifungal effect, which means, among other things, that it helps in the treatment of nail fungus. Keeping your feet dry is important to prevent sponge, and you can also use powder specifically for your feet.
Treatment of nail fungus by natural means

Nail fungus, or nail fungus, is an inflammation that affects the appearance of nails so that both their color and thickness change. In this article, we’ll talk in more detail about the symptoms of nail fungus and what you can do to prevent and control this ailment.

Causes and symptoms of nail fungus

This is a very common ailment all over the world and progresses so that one of the fingernails or toes spreads the fungus to the others if the necessary measures are not taken over time. Some people may also develop a so-called athlete’s foot, or skin fungus, as the fungus may also start to affect the skin.

The easiest way to detect the appearance of a nail fungus is to observe either a change in its thickness or color, as this fungus does not have any painful or uncomfortable symptoms. Indeed, many people take too long to find themselves suffering from nail fungus, and then it may take several months or even years to treat the problem completely.

thickened nail

Nail fungus is usually just an aesthetic problem, but in severe cases it can also cause chronic pain that can be difficult to remove. Early detection is therefore important in order to get rid of the fungus quickly and permanently.

Causes of nail fungus

There are three types of fungus that lead to nail fungus. The best known of these is Candida albicans. It is contagious in direct contact and can occur in humans without any inflammation. Some factors that cause a decrease in resistance can then increase the risk of developing nail fungus.

Aging is one of these reasons, as the fungus can begin to form as a person ages and the body’s resistance weakens. Likewise, the risk is higher if the foot is constantly wet, as is often the case, for example, with swimmers or people who do not wear airy footwear (bad in this sense are, for example, rubber shoes and nylon socks). Certain diseases, such as psoriasis or ankle disease, are also more likely to cause nail fungus.

Diabetes is associated with this fungus in a way that affects the body’s resistance. If there has been a nail fungus in the family, this also increases the likelihood of the risk, as it may be due to a genetic predisposition or, for example, the use of the same towels, bath and footwear. In addition, they may be caused by deliberate lowering of the body’s resistance (for example, surgery for certain diseases) or the use of biologics.

nail fungus on fingernails

The appearance of the nail

In general, the worst disadvantage of nail fungus is considered to be the aesthetic consequences, as the appearance of the nail becomes unpleasant. Changes can be divided into five different types.

  • The edge of the nail turns yellow and thick, and becomes jagged and broken.
  • The nail root is damaged, and white and yellow areas are formed.
  • Small white dots or balls begin to appear on the surface of the nail.
  • The nail turns purple in color.
  • The nail becomes deformed and becomes curved, thick and easily broken.

Hygiene is very important to control nail fungus , as it can prevent the spread of fungus and bacteria. It is also important to wash your hands and dry them properly. Wear cotton socks that don’t squeeze too much and that allow air to flow properly. Avoid washing barefoot in locker rooms and gyms, and do not share your towels with anyone.

If the fungus has already developed, it is important to keep the nails neat so that they do not grow longer than the finger or toe itself is. You will need to disinfect your nail care product after use, and you should never use artificial nails or nail polish if the fungus is already present.


itchy feet

Homemade cakes for treating nail fungus

1. Tea tree oil

This is a well-known, natural conditioner for nail fungus, and it works effectively in simple or moderate cases, as it is a powerful anti-fungal agent.

Mix equal amounts of tea tree oil, olive oil and thyme oil. Cover the area under the sponge with the mixture using a cotton swab or toothbrush (which, however, you do not use for any purpose other than this). Leave on for 15 minutes, then brush the nail with a toothbrush. After the foot is washed and dry, put a few more drops of tea tree oil on the nail.

2. Apple cider vinegar

This is another effective agent in the treatment of nail fungus. You should prepare a foot bath with equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Immerse your hands or feet (or at least their nails) in the liquid for 20 minutes, and then dry thoroughly with a towel or hair dryer. When drying, focus especially on the fungus-affected nail and between the fingers or toes.


nail fungus treatment naturally

You can also use apple cider vinegar by mixing it with two spoonfuls of equal amounts of coarse rice flour. Put this mixture on your fingernail and leave on for 15 minutes. Finally, dry your foot or hand in the same exact way as in the previous instructions.

3. Baking soda

The paste made from baking soda and water can also be used to treat nail fungus. Put it with a cotton swab on your nail, and try to apply it to the skin under the nail as well. Leave on for a few minutes, rinse, and finally dry the nail thoroughly.

4. Thyme

This is an effective product for defeating nail fungus. Put two cups of water and three spoons of thyme in a saucepan, and let it boil for 5 minutes. Set the stove to zero, cover the pan, and allow to cool. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in the liquid and cover the nails where the fungus is present.

5. Cinnamon

Boil a liter of water with ten cinnamon sticks, reduce heat and simmer for another 5 minutes. Allow the liquid to simmer for 45 minutes, then pour it while still warm into a container where you can soak your nails.

6. Onion

Moisten a cotton swab with onion in a squeezed liquid, and brush it with your fingernails. You can also rub half an onion directly against your foot or fingernail.

7. Lemon and aloe vera

Mix a spoonful of lemon juice, five drops of hydrogen peroxide and two spoonfuls of aloe Vera gel together. Then put the mixture on the nail invaded by the sponge and allow to dry.

8. Garlic

Boil five cloves of garlic in a cup of water. Pour the liquid into a container of cold water and place your feet or hands there for 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment every day for a month.

So if nail fungus is your problem, you should try these natural, effective and affordable home treatments!

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