Philophobia: Fear Of Love

Fall in love without asking yourself for permission to do so. Let go of your fears! Have you thought about where to stay except? Have you thought that you can’t experience the most beautiful things in life because of your fear? Fear of love can be crippling.
Philophobia: Fear of love

Tell yourself that is enough now, and fall in love regardless of the consequences. Don’t be afraid of love. Be bold and take risks. You can’t turn the hands of the clock back and do things differently. Maybe you can have a second chance in the next life, but it will never be exactly the same as it is now. Let your heart beat hard.

Let love fill you. Laugh, jump and be happy. Be happy with the love that knocked on your door, and don’t close the doors on your heart and soul. What are you afraid of? Losing love? In this life, nothing but death is absolutely certain. Accept that  losses  happen sometimes, including losses of love, but most importantly, you are alive.

Understanding the fear of love

“What happens to me? Why does love scare me so much? I can’t stop running every time I find myself falling in love. I end the relationship and feel calm again. The sensation is panic-like, manifesting physically as dizziness, nausea, and tremor. I can not stand it.”

If you have such feelings, you may have philophobia, or fear of falling in love. When you are starting a new relationship, you panic and most of the time you end it. In some cases you understand what is going on and in others you come up with excuses to justify your decision.

heart lock: philophobia

When a person with philophobia is in love, he feels helpless fear that holds him back. Who really likes to have his heart beat too fast? Who likes to sweat and feel dizzy, that is, in short, feels vulnerable? For a person suffering from philophobia, the normal reaction to this is to leave an unpleasant situation as soon as possible.

Philophobia  seems to be linked to the experiences of previous relationships that left a painful mark. When a sufferer of philophobia realizes that the same thing could happen again, they begin to feel vulnerable and flee the relationship as soon as possible to protect themselves from what could form a possible new disappointment.

Phobias can be cured, and philophobia is no different from others in this regard. You just have to accept what is happening to you, be motivated enough to want to get better from it and turn to a professional helper. There are different forms of therapy used to treat phobias. Examples are:

  • Cognitive therapy. This form of therapy will help you identify the intracranial process that is causing your fear. You will learn about your fears and worries, and learn how to replace your thoughts with more positive options.
  • Emotion tolerance therapy. This form of therapy involves exposing a person to the things that make him or her panic, whether it is love or some other object of panic.
  • Hypnosis therapy. Hypnosis can help eliminate negative connotations. It involves exposing psychological trauma while a person is under hypnosis. In this state, the Therapist asks his patient to dismiss his fears.
  • Neurolinguistic programming. This controversial form of therapy is associated with hypnosis. According to this form of therapy, our thoughts are shaped by words that create a kind of program in our brains. The patient learns from these programs that have been placed in his brain by themselves as well as their parents and teachers. With this therapy, the patient is able to change them themselves.
couple and clock

Other ways to get over the fear of loving

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