New Effective Treatment Found To Treat Migraines

A new effective treatment that has been found to treat migraines

A high percentage of the population suffers from headaches. Statistics show that it is mainly women who suffer from them. This reality puts pressure on researchers to explore new ways and treatments every year with the goal of alleviating or even eliminating the horrific suffering caused by migraines. This article introduces a new effective treatment for migraines, so keep reading if the topic interests you.

A recent study by the Spanish DAO Deficiency community and the General Hospital of Cataluña shows that migraines are basically caused by a specific enzyme. It is a simple natural component that can be administered naturally before meals to eliminate this disease permanently. I’m sure you want to know more, so keep reading.

Migraines and the DAO enzyme

The DAO enzyme is present in some foods.


The results of this study were presented at the last International Medical Conference in Barcelona. It was the perfect time to demonstrate a direct link between the DAO enzyme and migraines. According to lead researcher Joan Izquierdo Casas, every patient who suffered from migraines had an inadequate amount of this enzyme.

This study, which lasted one and a half years and involved more than 100 patients with chronic and severe migraines, was supported by several organizations. These patients had 9 to 14 seizures per month, and of those who regularly suffered from migraines, 81% were women and 19% were men, broken down by gender .

For the study to be effective, it used a “double-blind” technique, meaning doctors and patients did not know which group received the enzyme and which group was given a placebo. This gave the convincing results mentioned earlier: migraines are associated with a deficiency of the DAO enzyme. In addition, the hereditary component was present in some way because this particular deficiency is passed from parents to their children.

How does the DAO enzyme work?

This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown and synthesis of a molecule called histamine and is found in many foods, but higher amounts are always found in citrus fruits and dairy products. Once histamine is destroyed, it is eliminated in the urine.

But what really happens to people who suffer from migraines? Because they do not have a sufficient amount of the DAO enzyme, they are unable to destroy histamine and therefore it tends to accumulate in their blood plasma, causing both migraines and other stomach-related disorders.

What is this effective treatment for migraines?

Treatment can be very simple. It may be enough to take only one DAO enzyme capsule before main meals. This needs to be done with meals as it allows them to supplement their digestive functions, i.e. to eliminate and synthesize the histamine that is present in many foods. Experts have also shown that this enzyme is not addictive and has no side effects because it is food. It is fundamentally essential to supplement digestion. It’s that simple.

There is a new effective treatment for migraine that utilizes the DAO enzyme.

How does this effective treatment for migraines work?

Ingestion of the exogenous DAO enzyme allows the body  to restore histamine metabolism, preventing it from accumulating in the small intestine, where it should often be eliminated after complete digestive functions. Taking these capsules prevents unnecessary buildup and prevents it from entering the bloodstream, causing migraines and digestive problems.

How to take DAO enzyme capsules?

You can take 1 or 2 capsules with a small amount of water 20 or 30 minutes before meals. Each dose is the same for adults and can be seen in the package leaflet. Acquiring it depends on where you live; you can find it in health stores or pharmacies. It is an essential staple diet that strengthens digestion and eliminates histamine.

Special features

  • Free of lactose and gluten.
  • Suitable for diabetics.
  • It is not a medicine. While this is a natural treatment, as with all treatments, it is wise to talk to your doctor about any possible side effects.

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