Viktor Frankl And 6 Life Tips For Suffering

Viktor Frankl and 6 Lifestyles of Suffering

Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist and writer who found himself in Auschwitz, Dachau, and other concentration camps during World War II. Through this experience, he developed the philosophy of life that he described in many books, and especially in his work called  The Purpose of Life.

He developed the basics for logotherapy or existential analysis. The term comes from the word “logos” coined by Heraclitus in the 5th century BC, and Viktor Frankl refers to this term as “purpose”. Thus, logotherapy is a treatment that focuses on finding out the purpose of life for each person. It is a form of therapy used to help people who have problems with their existence or some major personal crisis to resolve.

Throughout our lives, we all go through situations that cause us suffering that we do not know how to deal with in order to deal with it. There is no formula that works every single time, but one must accept the fact that suffering is a part of life.

Here are some of Viktor Franklin’s teachings about the purpose and suffering of life.

1. Viktor Frankl and the importance of governance


Those people who know how to get over their problems and face difficulties decide to choose their path despite the circumstances they have to face.

2. Life has a purpose in all circumstances

Frankl has spoken of despair in this context as a mathematical event. Despair is the same thing as suffering without purpose. If a person cannot find meaning in his suffering, he tends to become desperate. But if man, instead, is able to find a purpose for his difficulties, he can modify the achievements of his tragedies and thus get over them.

3. Your daily actions will turn you into the best version of yourself

Viktor Frankl and suffering

Every day you should ask yourself the following: who are you and who do you want to be? This is how you can become the best version of yourself.

4. Think about who has lived or what life is worth living for

We all have a “why,” that is, the reason that keeps us moving every single day. That cause motivates us and gives meaning to every second of our existence, every step, or our industry.

If we are powerless to change a situation, we can always choose our attitude toward that situation. This means that there is something within us that allows us to change how we feel. So there is always a part of you that depends only on you and yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t expect anything from life, but instead it does matter if life expects something from you. Think about  what you can add to life and what life expects of you, as our lives challenge us and constantly ask us for something.

We need to ask ourselves what we can do to change our lives  and what we bring into the world. Then we must react accordingly.

5. Difficulties and suffering exist

There are bad things, and we must accept that fact. Difficulties create tension between what has already been achieved and what still needs to be achieved. We simply need to know that challenges exist and are a part of life. We have to fight for something valuable – something that makes sense to us.

6. No human being is necessary, but everyone is priceless

the flower suffers under a glass dome

When we accept that we are invaluable, the sense of responsibility for our own experience changes. A person who becomes aware that someone is expecting something from him, or that he has an unfinished job, takes responsibility for himself and knows why he is doing so – that is the purpose of his life.

7. Find the purpose of your own life

It is not important for a person to find pleasure in order to avoid pain, but it is essential to find the purpose of life. Even in times when we are suffering, we need to find a purpose for the suffering we are experiencing.

No one can put themselves in your place and suffer for you, so your only chance is the attitude you take towards your suffering. We all have a reason, but sometimes we are not aware of that reason.

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