7 Toxic Emotions That Prevent Your Happiness

In the right doses, fear and anxiety are necessary for a person to survive, but in excessive amounts they become some of the many toxic emotions that can be detrimental to well-being.
7 Toxic Feelings That Prevent Your Happiness

There is a concept that is perhaps used today too much in the field of psychology and personal development. We’re talking here about “toxicity,” that is, the idea that some people and behaviors can be as if toxic. Well, sometimes concepts move effortlessly into the vocabulary of mainstream culture, but they still need to be seen in the right context. Have you experienced a so-called toxic feeling?

There are no “toxic people”. Instead, there are people who don’t know how to build respectful, healthy, and good relationships.

It is also the case that when we talk about toxic feelings, we are referring to feelings that happen. They hinder our well-being and form walls between happiness and ourselves. Then they prevent us from achieving strong psychological health.

The word “toxic” is thus by no means a scientifically tested concept. However, it gives a useful description of what we are now trying to get told. It is a  dysfunctional behavior that causes pain, unhappiness and unhealthiness.

This time we want to talk about that topic. We first look at some of the basic emotions, the seven toxic emotions that affect your personal balance, and your ability to live a happy and healthy life.

1. Shame

anxiety is sometimes a toxic feeling

It is said that shame diminishes over time. In reality, though, it gets worse until it goes further than you ever imagined possible. It can penetrate almost every aspect of your life.

There are many types of shame:  shame about being yourself, about your own clothes, saying something to someone you like, asking a question, trusting someone, being vulnerable…

It is true that there are rules and boundaries in social interaction and daily behavior.  These limits are those which are not exceeded for moral reasons or courtesy, or for other similar reasons.

However, when it comes to a person’s personal development,  shame often limits identity and a sense of integrity.

Shame is associated with fear and insecurity. So it’s a good idea to dig deeper into what you don’t accept yourself or what makes you feel uncomfortable so you can work on this.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety is toxic when it causes a person to crush and when it crosses a healthy limit.

  • When you feel you are under some type of constant threat or when you have stress that doesn’t go away, or when you feel anxiety that gnaws at you, it’s about toxicity. In other words, anxiety becomes a negative feeling that takes over everything.
  • Constant anxiety will not push you to be better. In fact, it is discouraging. It makes you tired, crushed and unable to focus.

3. Emergency

man breaks into pieces

An emergency is a real time bomb. After all, it involves a lot of negative things: fear, feeling of danger, negativity, insecurity, frustration, pain, and so on.

No one can live in distress forever. This is practically about living dead, and it’s about ruling out the possibility that you could be a free and happy person.

4. Constant dissatisfaction

Sometimes dissatisfaction can be a powerful engine that makes you change, move up, and make improvements.

  • But when dissatisfaction is chronic and does not act as such an engine, it is a disease that gets all its power.
  • In the end,  you lose all your enthusiasm, energy and motivation. You don’t smile anymore.

Be careful with it. If your dissatisfaction is chronic, this is probably because you have  some type of depression.

5. Jealousy

Envy is not right and it is not healthy. Plus, knowing it all the time makes your self-esteem sink down.

  • Jealousy leads you on the path of suffering. When you want anything that isn’t yours or that you can’t get, this is harmful and not good for your psychological health.
  • When you can’t be happy about other people’s success, and when you can’t respect and celebrate what others are or what they have, this says a lot about you.
  • You should learn to celebrate yourself, love yourself, and be happy for others.

6. Constant fear

depressed and lonely

If happiness is to be defined on a very simple level, it could be something like this: the absence of the presence of fear.

However, we know that fear has a purpose, for it is a necessary thing for human survival. It makes you aware of the danger.

But what if everyone is scared? What if you feel like everything is going wrong and that you are being attacked, criticized, rejected? In this case, one goes towards a toxic feeling.

7. Frustration

Healthy frustration motivates a person to change and overcome obstacles.

However, it must be remembered that  toxic frustration makes you drift into fears, lost dreams, and surrender.

  • Don’t forget that  frustration gets its nourishment from failure and disappointment. It is powered by a dream that has not been realized  and a goal that you did not achieve.
  • Thus, before you become a bitter person, you should teach yourself how you can learn from your mistakes and failures. In this way, you can  move forward, put into practice what you have learned, take control and prepare yourself for success again.

In conclusion, we can state that all the emotions we describe can be toxic. They can also all be positive things as long as you keep them under control.

When they get the power of your life and find their place in your mind, and when you let them do it yourself, they become a poisonous feeling.

The main image of the article is from wikiHow.com.

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