8 Questions Parents Should Ask Their Teacher

Children’s education begins at home and continues in school. Effective communication between parents and children’s teachers is one of the best ways to support a child’s learning process.
8 questions that parents should ask the teacher

Our children spend a significant portion of their day at school. Communication between parents and children’s teachers is essential to support and strengthen the child’s learning process in school. It is also ideal for parents to know that children are doing well both at school and at home.

Not just studying in schools; the child’s playing, socializing and making friends and the school days are full of successes and at the same time also the problems that our children face on a daily basis. Our child is often the first source of information about what is happening at school, but at the same time, as parents, we should also know the teacher’s perspective on the child’s schooling;  let teachers and children share much of their time together in their daily interactions!

Questions that parents should ask the teacher

The child’s learning path does not start at school at all, but the framework for learning is already provided at home. So as parents, we can have a lot of influence on how a child’s learning process in school progresses and improves.

To this end, we have listed 8 important questions about a child’s well-being at school that every parent should ask the child’s teacher. With these questions, we can become more familiar with school success both in the classroom and in the relationship between the child and the school environment.

1. How hard a child is in school?

Parents should know how effectively and enthusiastically the child is directed to study

The first thing every parent should ask a teacher is how hard a child is in school, as this effectiveness is not always directly reflected in testimonials and exam grades.

You should also ask the teacher how the child is studying in the classroom. It is important to know if children are properly focused on classroom instruction, how interested they are in the learning process, and whether children will complete the assigned tasks in the expected time.

2. What teaching methods and tools do teachers use?

You should ask yourself this question in your mind even before meeting the children’s teacher or teachers. If you have the opportunity to choose which school your child will start school in, then it is important for you to know what kind of teaching methods and tools teachers use. In this case, the teacher’s response is certainly in line with the curriculum of that institution.

As a parent, you should know how much teachers do homework with children outside of school hours or whether they want to ensure that the whole learning process is focused on the classroom alone. In addition, it’s worth asking how much the children have the opportunity to work on in a group or other different projects at the school. In this case, the expectations and goals of parents and teachers should be met as well as possible.

It is important that you, as a parent, are able to support the teaching methods used by the school and strengthen the child’s learning process with the same opinions and methods at home as well. If you oppose school activities and incite the child to completely opposite learning methods, as a result, the child will only begin to feel confused and unclear.

3. How can the child be helped and supported from home?

The child’s learning process can also be strengthened and improved from home. This is why it is important to remember that it is the parents ’job to help resolve doubts and ensure that the child is fulfilling their responsibilities. So it’s by no means a matter of doing your child’s homework on his or her behalf or overloading him or her with extra tasks.

When parents are involved in the learning process at home, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • You can prepare a personal curriculum together with the teachers.
  • Make sure children are able to study and do their homework in a quiet environment.
  • Make sure your children have enough rest so that they can study and do their homework more efficiently.
  • As a parent, make sure that homework is not always fought over and that the child does not associate it with punishment in their minds.

4. Are children motivated to study more diligently?

Ask your children’s teacher how he or she motivates or praises students ’work. Keep in mind that these are more than just good grades. Also, find out if there is any kind of program or reward method in place in the classroom or even in the institution that helps the hard-working students stand out from the crowd.

As a parent, you should also know how to encourage your children to learn in school. Other good questions include how often children’s learning environment is changed, whether children have the opportunity to talk and suggest changes, and how often children can change seats.

5. How does the child behave in the classroom?

When a child behaves well, he or she is able to respect both teachers and other students, conscientiously follow school rules, and behave well among other children. Admittedly, it is almost certain that parents will hear from a teacher if a child behaves badly at school!

Even if you have not received complaints from teachers about your child’s behavior, it is recommended that you ask teachers about it as often as possible. It is also important that you get good news about how respectful, friendly and well-behaved your child can be. 

6. What kind of relationship does the child have with his friends?

Many children form their first friendships at school

School is a space where a child often creates the first friendships of their lives and at the same time probably also the first key disputes between friends. For this reason, it is essential to know that a child’s healthy friendships are an important part of his or her overall well-being. 

Children’s teachers should inform parents if the child is playing and playing with other children outside the classroom and during breaks. In addition, it would be good to know if the child can work in a group and how he or she behaves in a group of friends. 

7. What are the consequences for a misbehaving student?

This is probably one of the most important issues on the list. As a parent, you should always know if your child’s teachers are for or against punishing your child. In addition, it is worth asking what measures and consequences are given to students who behave badly or suffer from behavioral disorders.

Bullying is a growing problem that affects children around the world. For this reason, it is important to find out what are the procedures of the educational institution in cases where a child is bullied or becomes a victim of a bully.

8. How can parents improve their child’s schooling?

Many parents often leave their children in school, in which case they do not take care of or participate in any way what happens inside the school walls. The only information about a child’s schooling is obtained through a report from teachers or a parent’s evening, and only when a mention has been made.

So offer to help with school activities or other projects whenever the school asks parents for help with participation.  The support and enthusiasm you show for the school community will also benefit your child’s learning process. So keep in mind that education is a shared responsibility of both teachers and parents!

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