8 Heartburn Foods

Do you suffer from reflux disease or heartburn? Read about eight heartburning foods so you can better prevent this annoying ailment in the future.
8 heartburning foods

Did you know that some foods cause heartburn? Avoid heartburn by consuming the foods we listed in this article in small amounts at a time.

Avoid heartburn

Heartburn is an unpleasant symptom caused by poor functioning of the lower sphincter of the esophagus. The function of the sphincter is to keep food debris and digestive fluids in the stomach. The affliction is characterized by a burning sensation behind the sternum. It is almost always associated with dry throat and heartburn.

In fact, sometimes heartburn is so severe that many people think of the pain as a heart attack. This causes hundreds of doctor visits.

Heartburn can be caused by some abnormality in the stomach. It can also be caused by digestive problems that increase acid production.

In most cases, however, heartburn is associated with eating habits. For example, too spicy foods change the pH of the digestive system and increase acidity.

This is an occasional ailment that is not dangerous. However, it’s good to know what foods cause it so you can prevent it from constantly coming back.

See what they are!

1. Chocolate

chocolate causes heartburn


Chocolate has become very popular because it is rich in antioxidants. However, overeating it can trigger heartburn.

This is because it is high in fat and stimulants. These stimulants include caffeine and theobromine, both of which increase the acidity of the digestive system. Avoid heartburn by consuming chocolate in moderation.

2. Spices

The spices give a special taste to the dishes. In addition, some of them even have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The problem is that they can be aggressive to the immune system. This is especially true when combined with irritating foods.

Some spices can be harmful if you suffer from frequent heartburn. Such dishes and spices include:

  • Spicy sauces
  • Curry
  • Chili peppers
  • Cumin

3. Coffee

For many people, coffee is an invaluable part of their daily lives. Its energizing effect along with antioxidants make it a great option to start a long day at work.

But because coffee is one of the biggest sources of caffeine, people with heartburn should avoid it.

This stimulant weakens the flaps that hold stomach acids in the stomach. This promotes their access to the esophagus and mouth.

4. French fries: one of the worst heartburning foods

avoid heartburn

French fries and other fatty foods sold in stores are the enemy of many digestive and metabolic processes.

These foods contain large amounts of trans fat. They are also supplemented with chemicals that not only affect the functioning of the digestive system, but also increase acid production and the amount of toxins.

Eating too much contributes to an imbalance in the body’s inflammatory processes. As a result, they increase the feeling of pressure in the stomach and heartburn. Avoid heartburn by reducing your consumption of French fries.

5. Sausages and preserves

Both sausages and canned meats are full of artificial ingredients. They keep the meat fresh. However, they can cause excessive acidity in the blood and stomach.

Such food is characterized by a high content of fat and flour. These affect stomach health and metabolism.

Adding them to a normal diet can lead to diseases such as obesity and high cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

6. Pastries

biscuits and heartburn


Pastries are bad – especially biscuits and sweets that are full of artificial additives. They create an acidic environment in the stomach and esophagus.

In addition to having white sugar, these substances cause irritation to the inner surface of the stomach and also increase the amount of acidic digestive fluids.

This weakens the esophageal sphincter. At the same time, it increases the susceptibility to gastric ulcer and gastritis.

7. Carbonated beverages

Ingestion of carbonated beverages can cause a number of negative reactions in the body. These appear in health in a number of different ways.

Carbonated drinks, especially cola, contain large amounts of caffeine. For this reason, they have a similar effect as coffee.

In addition, carbonic acids increase abdominal pressure, causing an increase in acid.

8. Red meat

avoid heartburn


Eating too much red meat raises the body’s inflammatory levels. This is because red meat contains too many purines and acidic substances that interfere with digestion.

This, combined with its high fat content, is the reason why red meat is one of the foods that makes this annoying ailment appear constantly.

Do you suffer from reflux disease or heartburn? Monitor your diet and limit the amount of foods mentioned above to avoid heartburn and make it easier to manage the problem.

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