5 Ways To Fight Psoriatic Arthritis Fatigue

Patients with psoriatic arthritis usually have recurrent periods of fatigue. Adhering to a healthy lifestyle along with treatment is important to combat fatigue.
5 ways to combat psoriatic arthritis fatigue

Did you know that certain strategies can combat psoriatic arthritis fatigue? This symptom is one of the consequences of the disease. According to some studies, up to 50% of patients with skin problems also report moderate to severe fatigue.

Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the health of the joints and skin. Patients experience pain and stiffness in the joints , as well as red, scaly patches of skin that can spread to the scalp.

Although these symptoms can be treated with medication locally, it is also important to take other actions, especially if the symptoms are accompanied by fatigue. What should be done in this case? We will tell you more about it below.

What is the link between psoriatic arthritis and fatigue?

Much attention has been paid to fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis in recent years. Although a large proportion of people experience fatigue,  research on it has helped us understand its link to that disease.

Studies have shown that half of patients with psoriatic arthritis experience mild to moderate fatigue. About a quarter have difficult periods of fatigue.

There is no single specific factor that would explain the fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis. However, it can be partly explained by certain factors. The inflammatory condition caused by the disease releases proteins called cytokines, which can be one cause of fatigue.

On the other hand, this discomfort can also occur with other problems that cause fatigue, such as:

  • Anemia
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders

These and other diseases that co-occur with arthritis  are diseases associated with an inflammatory condition or problems with the immune system. This can make fatigue worse.

How to combat fatigue caused by psoriasis? 5 tips

Usually, fatigue is not completely eliminated, but following a  healthy lifestyle can make it easier to manage. It is therefore worth paying attention to the following tips to combat fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis.

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is one way to combat fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis

Low-intensity exercise helps with fatigue and other symptoms caused by psoriatic arthritis. This habit gives more energy and helps reduce joint stiffness and pain. For example, you can do the following sports:

  • Swimming
  • Walking and light jogging
  • Lifting light weights
  • Stretching and yoga

To get the benefits, you should exercise at least half an hour a day. We also recommend practicing them under the guidance of a professional, as the wrong way of moving can be detrimental.

2. Identify the factors that trigger fatigue

It can be challenging to know what causes fatigue. However, identifying triggers can be of significant help in treatment. We therefore recommend that you keep track of your daily activities and their effect on your energy levels.

These include:

  • Eating
  • Stress level
  • Sleeping habits
  • Exercise
  • Medication
  • Surroundings

Fatigue may even be the result of all of these factors combined. You should talk to your doctor to find a solution.

4. Adhering to a healthy diet is a way to combat the fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis

A healthy diet can combat the fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis

Diet plays a very important role in managing fatigue. Although many ignore this, this symptom may be due to a deficiency of some nutrients or anemia. A balanced and complete diet can therefore help reduce symptoms.

In this case, foods with anti-inflammatory properties are the best help:

  • Foods that contain Omega-3, such as fatty fish, oils, nuts and seeds
  • Foods that contain antioxidants include fruits, vegetables, cocoa, and tea
  • Whole grain products such as oats and dark rice
  • Vitamin D supplements

4. Do something relaxing before bed

Patients with psoriatic arthritis usually have sleep problems, which also naturally cause fatigue. Part of minimizing the symptoms of fatigue is to do something relaxing before bed. For example, you can do the following:

  • Take a warm bath or do a heat treatment before going to bed
  • Follow regular bedtime and wake-up times
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine
  • Avoid distractions in the room, such as cell phones or computers
  • Eat light in the evening

5. Stress management is a way to combat fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis

Controlling stress helps fight fatigue caused by psoriatic arthritis

Many of the complications of this disease are the result of poor stress management. To reduce fatigue, it is therefore important to pay attention to stress as well. So you should take advantage of relaxation methods such as meditation or yoga.


Be sure to talk to your doctor about possible causes of fatigue. Several of the disorders hidden below can worsen symptoms. Treating the problem in a timely manner can improve your quality of life.


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