5 Uses That Predict Relationship Failure

We cannot believe that a partner will change if we have never told him that his behavior is bothering us. This only leads to relationship failure.
5 offsets that anticipate relationship failure

The failure of a relationship sometimes makes us ask ourselves questions like “Why did it fail, did everything go so well?” But are you absolutely sure everything went well?

Today, we look at some behaviors from which failure can be predictable. This doesn’t happen overnight for no apparent reason, but we may have been behaving for longer in ways that are detrimental to the relationship.

How to identify a relationship failure in a timely manner?

Let’s take a closer look at the signs of failure in the relationship.

1. Criticizing a partner

relationship failure due to allegations

One of the first behaviors that can help predict relationship failure is judging a partner’s appearance, driving style, dress style, speech style, and so on.

Criticism has a goal: to change another person. This is something that is never possible, but the purpose of criticism is to manipulate another and make him a person he is not.

If we don’t like what kind of partner we are, we have two options: accept the matter or leave him. Criticism is never an option.

2. The partner insults

Does your partner ruin you? Does he humble you sometimes? If you feel this way but don’t tell your partner about it, you won’t do anything to solve the problem.

Sometimes a partner can hurt, but we tolerate it for the sake of love. The most likely reason for this is that we suffer from emotional addiction, and for that reason we can’t say “I can’t stand this, I’ll leave you”.

It is important to keep in mind that there must be respect in the relationship. Failure to do so is likely to lead to relationship failure.

3. Everything is always another fault

relationship failure when no responsibility is taken

Of all the behaviors that anticipate the failure of a relationship, this is the clearest: we always blame the other party for all things, that is, we never take responsibility for ourselves.

It’s very easy to blame another person, both for things we know, but also for things we don’t even know.

If something in a relationship or partner’s behavior bothers you, you should take it up right away. If you wait for a month or even a year, the other really can’t be blamed for anything. Each party should take responsibility for their own actions and words, or alternatively, for not doing or saying anything.

4. Silence and indifference

One attitude is quite toxic and is designed to manipulate the relationship. It is a matter of silence and indifference.

Blaming and criticizing can make the other remain silent and indifferent to “punish” the partner. The purpose of this attitude is to make one submit, in addition to treating the other with complete disrespect from the punishing party.

When a partner tries to punish us with silence because we tell you what we think or what bothers us, it’s time to leave the relationship.

5. The partner forces and demands things

relationship failure when not able to communicate

This is closely related to the conditional approval we talked about at the beginning. Forcing and demanding certain things is one of the behaviors that anticipates the failure of a relationship.

Nothing should be demanded from a partner and he should not be forced into anything. He is a free person who must be respected without trying to manipulate him according to our own will.

If this happens in your relationship, you should rethink things. Manipulative behavior is very toxic.

Have you experienced this kind of behavior that can predict relationship failure? Detecting them in time allows you to put an end to the situation before it causes more annoyance.

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